Chapter 4

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"Miss L/N. You should probably wake up."

You are woken up by a gruff voice and a tap on your shoulder. You sit up groggily and and bleakly stare at the little old nurse. She has her arms folded and looks annoyed.

"Imagine my surprise to find you here. I'm assuming you feel better?." She asks impatiently and you nod.

"Good. Head on home then. Classes are over. I'll have to speak to your teachers." With a sigh she stomps away muttering about needing a cigarette.

You sigh and swing your legs over the bed. Teaching for your backpack you find your phone and wince.

At least 5 text messages from Violet. Each asking if you were feeling okay and if you need help home.

You quickly reply informing Violet you were fine. As well as that you would just head home on your own.

You straighten up your clothes and head out of the nurses office. The grumpy nurse not even looking at you from her papers as you leave.

The corridors were empty and a clock on the wall read that it was 3:30.

"Damn. I didn't realize I slept that long." You mutter chewing on your lower lip worriedly.

A vibration from pocket made you jump. It was from Violet merely saying William had already taken her home.

You felt a little surge of relief. At least you wouldn't have to see the 3 crazy fans.

You still look around cautiously as you head out of the school.

It was a quiet afternoon, the fall leaves turning a darker color. You take a deep breath and looked at the sky. The wind felt nice and cool as it whistles around you.

Suddenly you hear a giggle behind you.

You whip around, automatically hugging your bag in front of you.

To your surprise it was Kira Grimes.

He stood there smiling at you.

His black ruffled hair was tousled. His different colored eyes gleaming. The white shirt crinkled slightly and his bag swung lazily over his right shoulder.

God, he was really beautiful. If things had been normal you probably would have had a huge crush on him.

"Hi Y/N. Heading home? Wanna walk together?." He asked cocking his head a bit.

You eye him cautiously and shake your head.

"I'm fine. Thanks." You mumble putting down your bag when you realize he's not a threat.

"That's a shame since I figured you might want someone as a witness. In case someone hurts you." He grins cheekily and walks to your side.

You stare at him in bit of a shock.

I mean it wasn't any shock if anybody knew of what was/had happened to you, but most people avoided the hell out of you.

What was this guys agenda?

"Relax. Believe it or not, I'm not interested in Violet." He said swinging his bag.

"Then what do you want?"

He starts walking away humming and you feel yourself getting annoyed.

You start walking fast trying to catch up with him.

The guy was one fast walker.

"What do you want??" You demanded.

"I want to help you. I know how to help you get free from Violet and her men." He said more gently glancing at you.

You halt to a stop and so does he.

"What?" You whisper now in total disbelief as you stare at him.

He turns around and then gently touches your cheek.

"H-how? Why?"

His eyes seem to shine a bit more. His eyes each more vibrant than the other .

"I'm in love with you. Why shouldn't I help the girl I love?"

You are now completely shell shocked.

He lets out another a giggle. Pulling his hand away, he suddenly grabs your own right hand.

"Come on. We have a lot to talk to about. There's that small park nearby."

He gently led you away.

This was the turning point and one of the twists to your life. Unfortunately this didn't mean that it was a good twist. Because this was one of many unpleasant shocks, that would later make you agonize at night.

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