I Do Not Trust That Creep

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Alexis’s POV

 At this moment Paul and I was now sitting in McDonalds. It’s not really my first choice of restaurants, because of someone called Ronald McDonald the evil bloodthirsty clown. But it’s a fast food restaurant and Paul’s paying so I’m not gonna complain.

“I’ll be right back love.” Paul excused himself and walked off to the bathroom and left me alone. Literally. No one else was here. Not even waiters.

I swear that kill crazy clown ate everyone. Paul better hurry the fu…

An obnoxious laugh interrupted my thoughts. I spun around in my chair to see where it came from, but no one was there. Like I said before, Paul and I are the only ones here.

I heard someone sat down across from me and turned back. “Oh, Paul thank goodness your ba….” But only when I turned back, it wasn’t Paul who sat down. It was the ‘oh so lovable’ Ronald McDonald that kids love so much. You know the ‘friendly’ clown you see on billboards and TV. Only this one had red evil eyes and fangs with dripping blood from its mouth.

“You’re not Paul.”

Ronald laughed evilly and shot forward and grabbed me. Just as he was about to take a bite I grabbed my fork from the table and stuck that mother clucker in his eye.

It screamed and let go of me. But was it over? Of course not! He just pulled the fork out with the eye along with it. Now he was a freaky, one eyed, kill crazy, blood thirsty, vampire clown. So I just did what anyone would do.

I ran like hell!

But life wasn’t going easy on me. When I ran through the door I wasn’t greeted by streets with cars, or friendly neighbourhood people walking on the sidewalks. Nope. I was greeted by the dark woods. Awesome. Please note the sarcasm.

But I couldn’t turn back now, that kill crazy clown is catching up pretty quickly. He was running full speed after me with the fork still in his hand and had it risen like he was holding a knife.

He was catching up pretty fast. Just as he was about to jump forward a grey wolf attacked him.

Well it’s about bloody time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And that’s when the wolf let out an ear splitting urgent howl. Like it was in pain or something. And it was exactly that. The wolf…my wolf…is dead...again.

Oh, come on! How is it even possible to get stabbed to death with a fork?

Ronald turned his attention back to me and let out a mother friggen scary ass growl. So of course, I ran like hell……again.

I just ran until I didn’t hear anymore footsteps behind me. When I looked back over my shoulder he was gone. Oh, please tell me he’s not invisible too. Why do the cool things always happen to other people and not me?

I ducked in behind a tree and leaned against it to catch my breath.

“Come out, come out wherever you are!”

Eeeeeeep, it’s back. Please don’t look behind this tree. Please don’t look behind this tree. Please don’t look behind this tree.

“I’m here to rescue you my fair maiden.” A rocky voice spoke from next to me.

When I opened my eyes it was the one and only Harry Styles in a white, fluffy cat suit.


On The Run (Under Severe Editing)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ