Peter's Coming Out To Play

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Alexis’s POV:

When Paul and I finally arrived back with Paul still carrying me, my dad was waiting on the porch with the purse he gave me in his hands.

Maybe I should have hid somewhere else. Too late now.

“I was about to come out looking for you two.” Dad said sternly, but started laughing. “Paul put my little girl down so I can give her a hug.”

“Daddy!” I ran into my dad’s arms as soon as Paul put me down. I’m a daddy’s girl, sue me!

Dad chuckled. “Happy birthday, Lexy.”

"Thanks dad.” I think I’ve waited a reasonable time before asking. “Watcha get me?”

Dad pulled away from the hug and gave me one of his famous mischievous smirks. “You’ll see.”

“Come on. Let’s go before Luc comes out here and carry you inside.” Paul chuckled, coming up from behind me.

I turned my head slightly to the window to see Luc jumping up and down impatiently. This is gonna be some day.

“Alright, LEGGO!” I grabbed Paul and Dad by their arm and dragged them inside. Once we were inside everyone jumped out and yelled “SURPRISE!!”

They all had those pointy party hats on and blowing into those funny noise making thingies. Even Saphira and Turbo had party hats on, although Turbo was busy eating his.

My sister’s arms were the first to find me. “Happy birthday sis! God, you're getting old.”

I hugged her back. “Yes I am, and you're still the baby of the family, lil' sis." 

She scoffed "I'm only one year younger than you, so you can stop with the lil sis crap now.”

I pulled away. “Never! I was breathing air first, so you’ll always be the little one.”

Then I was handed through the crowd, from embrace to embrace, everyone wishing me happy birthday and of course the occasional wise cracks from Quil, Embry and Jared.

While I was passed around the room I noticed this massive cake on the table. “YAY CAKE!!”

A pair of arms caught me. “Presents first, cake later.” Mom laughed.

But I want cake first.

No you want presents first.

Oh you don’t know what I want.

We’re the same person; of course I know what you want!

If we’re the same person then why is my name Alexis and yours is Eleanor?

Because you’re the stupid one giving your inner voice a name, weirdo!

You just called yourself a weirdo.

“Okay, whose present is first?” I asked sitting down on the couch.

"Ours!” Luc and Kim yelled and shoved a big present in my arms.

“Ok, and OW!” I’m not the kind of person that spares wrapping paper. So naturally I shredded the paper apart like a zombie digging his way through your head to get your brains.

Ha, zombies are still so cool!

When all the paper was gone I stared at the big case in my hands. “Makeup?”

Luc shrugged. “Yup, I figured since you have a boyfriend now you’ll start wearing it.”

“Thanks Girls.” I gave them each a hug. “But you know I don’t know what half this stuff is. So I’m gonna need some help.”

On The Run (Under Severe Editing)Where stories live. Discover now