The Chicken Fiasco

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Paul’s POV:

When I walked out from behind the tree Alexis just sat there frozen and stared at me. It looked like she stopped breathing. I started panicking.

Is she scared? Is she in shock? What should I do? Should I give her the heimlich maneuver?

“Dude the heimlich is just for people who are choking, right?” Seth’s voice came through my thoughts.

“No, man. You should give her the kiss of life.” Jared thought.

“Seriously?” I was starting to get really annoyed. “First Jacob now you guys. Can't I just get some privacy?”

“Nope.” Leah smirked. “And I wouldn’t argue right now if I were you.”

“Yeah.” Jared added. “Your girlfriend’s still not breathing.”

“Shit.” I ran back behind the tree, phased back, put on my pants and hurried over to Alexis. “Lex, are you okay?” I asked, panicking, as I sat down next to her and started rubbing her back. She didn’t answer me. She didn’t even move! “Come on, Lex. Please say something.” I begged.

“This is so……Awesome!!” She exclaimed and turned around to face me. “Werewolves, vampires, it’s all real! I can't believe you’re a werewolf. This is unbelievable. What’s next? Mermaids, elves, fairies, dragons, zombies? Well, actually now that I think about it, zombies would be kinda cool. But you know what would be even cooler? Werewolf zombies. Or zombie werewolves. Or wombies. Or maybe…..Whoa, wait a sec. Did you say Lucia is one too?” She stopped rambling on and looked at me wide eyed.

“Well, um, yes?”

Alexis’s POV:

“Well, um, yes?” It came out more of a question than a straight answer.

“Life is so unfair!” One billion and one times. And I'm sure there’s plenty more to come. “All the cool things happen to her. Why didn’t she tell me?”

Paul looked at me apologetically. “Well, remember when I told you that Sam is our alpha and we have to obey his commands whether we want to or not?” When I nodded he continued. “He commanded that we don’t tell you.”

“But you are telling me.” I pointed out.

“Just because he agreed yesterday that we tell you today.”


“Well, there are two reasons.” He looked mad while he explained everything about this ‘Bruce’ guy and how he wants to kill me, my mom and Lucia to let my dad suffer. But he looked more uncomfortable than mad when he mentioned something about imprinting.

“What’s that?” I asked because I’m curious and just to see him get even more uncomfortable. It looks really funny. Like I said, I love making people feel awkward and uncomfortable. I'm twisted, I know.

It worked. He shifted uncomfortably before looking me in the eyes. “That’s reason number two. Imprinting is something what we werewolves do when we found our soul mate. It’s not really easy to explain. It’s like when you see her, it’s not gravity holding you to the planet anymore, it’s her. Not your friends, not your family, just her. You'd do anything for her. You'd be anything for her. Every time you see her, it feels like the first. You love her no matter what. That’s actually the only time we can tell someone what we really are.”

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