I've always wanted to chase my own tail

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Alexis’s POV:

When Lucia woke me up I could see she was a little disappointed because she couldn’t use the ice bucket. But I cheered her up by saying she’s gonna get to use it every morning when school starts.

After I did my bathroom routine, which consists of a shower, getting dressed, brushing my teeth (still using Lucia’s toothbrush) and combing my hair I went downstairs. Mom and dad were waiting on the couch for us.

“Okay, let’s go.” I said excitedly and grabbed dad’s wrist and pulled him up from off the couch, but he was stronger than me and pulled me back on the couch along with him.

“We’re still waiting for Lucia.” Dad laughed.

I sighed impatiently. “And she says I need the ice bucket.”

“Someone’s eager to get to the bonfire.” Mom winked at me.

“And why is that?” Dad asked with an evil glint in his eyes.

“There’s always a lot of food at these types of things.” Which was partly the truth. I wasn’t gonna tell them that I want to see Paul.

“Okay, we can go.” Lucia said pulling me up by my wrist.

She feels like she has a fever too, just like Paul. Something must be in the air or does it run in our family too?

Lucia and I were out the door in no time and already waiting by the car. Mom and dad came out the door and locked it behind them. They were walking like we had all the time in the world.

“You take mom and I’ll take dad.” Lucia whispered to me.

“Got it.” I replied. I walked over to mom and Luc to dad and we pulled them by their wrists and ran to the car and shoved them inside.

“Finally!” Luc and I said at the same time, getting in the back of the Impala.


“Where are we?” Lucia asked as we pulled up in front of an old homey looking red house.

“At an old friend of mine’s house.” Dad explained turning off the car. “Billy Black.”

“Jacob’s dad?” Lucia asked excited. And as if on cue Jacob came out of the house and pulled Lucia out of the Impala and trapped her in a bear hug which she gladly returned.

I sighed and climbed out, almost walking into Paul. He was smiling a bright smile and trapped me in a tight hug too. Not that I wasn’t enjoying it, because I was. A lot. But he was cutting off my oxygen. “Paul…can't…breath.”

He instantly let go and smiled apologetically. “Sorry.”

“I never said I wasn’t enjoying it.” I joked and winked at him.

His grin grew even bigger, if that was humanly possible. He took my hand and led me toward where the others were waiting and the flames were already sky high. Jared, Embry, Quil and Seth were playing soccer.

“Lexy, this is Emily, Sam’s fiancé.” Paul said introducing me to a woman with scars on the one side of her face. Even with the scars she looked very beautiful.

“Hi, it’s nice to finally meet you.” Emily smiled shaking my hand. “Paul hasn’t been able to shut up about you.”

I looked over at Paul and saw him blush. “Gee, thanks Em.”

“Awwwww.” I cooed Paul while pinching his cheek like he was a baby. “Little Pauly’s blushing.”

Paul blushed even more which made everyone laugh.

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