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At dinner that night, all the girls could talk about was English class.

"That man's a unicorn in a sea of donkeys, Zaz. A unicorn," Scarlett told Azalea as she unceremoniously tore a huge chunk off her roll. 

"He's better than that Hagar, that's for sure," Lilith muttered, poking her mystery meat dubiously.


Mr. Nolan had arrived at their table. 

"Sir," the replied, eerily in unison. 

"Enjoyed your classes today? Hopefully, they were not too challenging," he smiled haughtily. 

"Yes, sir. Not at all different than Henley," Azalea smiled, elbowing Scarlett before the hot-headed girl shouted profanities at the headmaster.

"Good, good. Carry on."

And with a forced half-smile, he left to pester some poor freshman about their necktie.

"God, do all old men just assume girls are ditzy, featherbrained bobbleheads?" Scarlett hissed, eyes sparking furiously at Mr. Nolan's retreating back. "He practically just told us he expects us to fail. Talk about excrement."

"Careful," Camille giggled. "You sound like that Dalton boy."


'That Dalton boy' was sitting with his friends, debating whether or not the Hell-ton mystery meat was edible tonight. 

"Hey, Meeks. You should see if you could get those two girls to help us with trig tonight," Cameron called across the table, catching Charlie's attention. 

"What girls?"

"Haven't you heard? That one girl-"

"Her name's Azalea," Meeks interrupted Cameron, who looked annoyed. 

"Sorry, Azalea's a genius. She left even Hagar speechless with that calc problem this morning. And her friend, well, she didn't say much-"

"Where are they now?" 

This time it was Neil who interrupted an increasingly irritated Cameron. The boys looked around, finally spotting Azalea, Lilith, Scarlett, and Camille sitting with their class. Azalea was speaking to Nolan, while her left elbow was digging into Scarlett's ribs. Lilith was fighting laughter as she held Scarlett's other side down. 

"That blonde's gonna have to learn to control her temper," Cameron sniggered, clearly thinking himself manly. 

The other boys looked at him, half-appalled, half-exasperated. 

"Geez Cameron, you don't tell Charlie to control his temper," Pitts finally spoke up. 

"Well, yeah but...."

Cameron trailed off, looking cowed as Charlie stared at him, daring the frightened redhead to finish his sentence. 


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