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No one said anything. 

"I smelled nicotine," Azalea explained, staring at the crushed cigarette under Charlie's shoe. 

"And, being the addict she is-" Scarlett butted in, eyes twinkling as usual."She had to come find a lighter."

Azalea rolled her eyes at her friend's cheeky comment. Neil laughed, and she pulled out a pack of Camels.

"So. Who's got the lighter?" she asked, scanning each boy's face eagerly. 

"That would be me," Charlie smirked, elegantly extending his arm to reveal the metal lighter. 

"And you are?" Azalea asked, taking it and lighting a cigarette.

"Charlie Dalton. And this is Steven Meeks to my left and Knox Overstreet across from me, and you've already met Neil-"

"And this is Todd Anderson," Neil jumped in to introduce his roommate both to the girls and his friends. 

"Pleasure," Azalea smiled at them all. "I'm Azalea Knight, and these are two of my three most trusted companions, Camille Vincent an-"

"I can introduce myself, thanks," Scarlett smirked. "Scarlett Armstrong."

"Well, welcome to Hell-ton," Meeks grinned from his chair. 

"It's every bit as tough as they say, unless your a genius like Meeks," Charlie added. 

"He flatters me. That's why I help him with Latin," Meeks said sheepishly. 

"And English, and trig," Charlie reminded him, coughing slightly. 

A knock sounded.

 Azalea swore. Quickly she stamped on her cigarette. 

"It's open," Neil called to whoever was at the door. 

The door opened to reveal Neil's father. The boys quickly stood up. 

"Father! I thought you'd gone."

"Keep your seats, fellas and ladies," Mr. Perry smiled forcefully. "Neil, I've just spoken to Mr. Nolan. I think you're taking too many extracurricular activities this semester, and I've decided that you should drop the school annual."

Neil looked visibly upset at this announcement. 

"But I'm the assistant editor this year!"

"Well, I'm sorry Neil."

"But Father, I can't. It wouldn't be fair," Neil protested, not caring the girls were watching. 

"Fellas, ladies." Mr. Perry's voice boomed through the small room. "Would you excuse us for a minute?" He smiled insincerely and escorted Neil out of his dorm.

A silence fell between the Henley Hall girls and the Welton boys.

"Like Meeks said, welcome to Hell-ton." Charlie finally spoke up, but the humor was gone from his eyes. 

"And I thought Henley's parents were bad," Scarlett joked, attempting to lighten the mood.

The room visibly relaxed. 

"Well, we should probably get back to our dorm. It was nice to meet you all," Azalea smiled, eyes lingering on Meeks for just a second longer than necessary. 

"Wait! You mentioned a third trusty companion!" Charlie called after her. "When are we gonna meet her?"

Camille and Scarlett exchanged knowing looks as Azalea responded, "You'll meet her, don't worry. Lilith's quite unforgettable."

And with that, the three girls left, leaving an intrigued Charlie, a slightly perplexed Knox, and a blushing Meeks to their own devices. 

"I'm gonna check on Neil," Charlie announced, getting up from the bed he was reclining on. 

Neil was standing just outside his dorm, eyes downcast. The annual was something he had been looking forward to. 

"Why doesn't he let you do what you want?"

Charlie's voice broke his train of thought. Knox joined him.

"Yeah Neil, tell him off. It couldn't get any worse."

"Oh, that's rich. Like you guys tell your parents off, Mr. Future Lawyer and Mr. Future Banker," Neil shot back, irritated. 

"Okay, so I don't like it anymore than you do."

"Well, just don't tell me how to talk to my father. You guys are the same way."

Todd watched from the doorway, feeling it wasn't his place to speak up. Yet he too knew the feeling of disappointing his parents, not living up to his older brother's prowess. Maybe these boys weren't as perfect as he thought. 


Back in Azalea and Lilith's room, the girls were busy giving Lilith the lowdown on each boy.

"Hold on, hold on. So Meeks is the genius."

Scarlett nodded.

"Charlie's the flirt."

Another nod.

"Todd's Neil's roommate and Knox is the other one."

"Yup!" Camille nodded. 

"Well, I'm sure they'll be fun to have class with. Especially when they realize we've got our own genius." Lilith elbowed Azalea, who blushed. Azalea Knight was, in fact, probably the smartest person at Henley Hall, including the teachers. Something she and Meeks had in common. 

"Well, goodnight ladies."

Scarlett and Camille retreated to their own dorm, waving goodnight to their friends. And the four girls fell asleep, not knowing that tomorrow's English class could change their lives. 

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