Monsters Under My Bed-Paranormal prompt

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Crumped up in my small closet, wishing I had a nice comfy one, I feel like my clothes are suffocating me. There is barely enough room for me to sit with my legs pulled up to my chin.

That's not the worst part. Through the small crack in the door, I can see it. Its slimy hands grabbing on to the edges of my bed, it pulling itself up from underneath my bed.

There are monsters under my bed, as I always assumed. I just hope it doesn't find me. I was careful in choosing a hiding place, but now that I am stuck here, it feels like a mistake.

There is nowhere to run. If it sees me, I'll be dragged under the bed and to its dark realm to be devoured.

My breathing spikes, and I try to calm myself. I don't want hyperventilating to give away my position.

My heart is hammering, and it might be loud enough for the monsters big ears to hear. My ears are pounding so loudly that the only sense I can rely on is my sight.

Luckily, moonlight illuminates my room enough to see the dark figure as it scrambles around my room, in search of something.

As I look on, it's difficult to distinguish its true form, but the teeth which glisten in moonlight leave no doubt about what it is.

My back is hurting, and I am not sure how long I can stay hidden though I know that reveling my position would lead to my demise.

Finally, I can see the monster taking my socks, smiling maniacally as it sniffs one of them, catching my scent. Then, it's gruesome head moves towards my hideout, and we make eye contact.

That's it. I'll die without ever truly living.

Suddenly, the bedroom door bursts open and before I can realize what's happening the monster's grinning head is rolling towards the closet splashing blood everywhere.

As I exit the closet with shaking legs, I see my mother covered in blood holding a brightly lit sword.

"I told you monsters weren't that scary," she says as she cleans blood from the blade.

All I can do is stare at her in shock. Is my mother a Monster Hunter?

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