Chapter 13

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It was a regular morning when you woke up on Friday. Winter holiday had just begun, so you could blissfully sleep in as long as you wanted for the next two weeks. Perfectly normal. Yoongi had left on tour a few weeks ago and he was due back that night. Their last concert had been the night before, and you watched the whole thing on tv, even dancing along to a few songs.

The other members loved having you around. Namjoon enjoyed practicing his sign language with you and texting about random philosophical things at 2 in the morning. The other 5 picked up on your basic signs and learned to recognize the alphabet so they could communicate with you. You shared your love of cooking with Seokjin, who was always happy to let you help him in the kitchen.

Taehyung was always ready to talk about absolutely anything. Most of the time, you would just sit and listen to him ramble about some random topic and still be having the time of your life. Jimin and Hoseok loved teaching you their dance moves. You didn't think you could ever be as good as them, but their encouraging words never failed to have you coming back to the practice room.

Jungkook, however, was a different story.


The first time you were alone with him in the dorm, about 3 months into dating Yoongi, Jungkook was so shy and awkward that you just wanted to hold him and never let go of the small bunny.

"I hope you like kids," you told Yoongi nonchalantly the day after when he arrived at your apartment for movie night. Yoongi dropped his bag and his face turned white.

"Y/N," was all he whispered, staring at you in what you could only describe as fear. You waved your hand in his face to get his attention before signing again.

"Yoongi, calm down. I'm not pregnant," you assured him, laughing at his face. You saw him visibly sigh with relief as the color returned to his face.

"Y/N, you scared me. Why would you ask that? We've only been dating a few months," Yoongi asked, giving you a hug.

"We're adopting Jungkook. I've decided already. You can't say no," you signed once Yoongi released you. Yoongi laughed and then patted you on the head.

"Okay. You can adopt Jungkook. I'm sure he'd love to have a third eomma," Yoongi said.


So while the others were your friends, you had officially adopted Jungkook in your mind and told him so. He turned adorably red when you told him, but readily accepted you as "Nooma", a mix of noona and eomma.

With the whole day free, you decided to prepare a welcome home feast for the boys, who had basically become your family. The meal took you all day to prepare and by the time you knocked on the back door of the dorm, it was dinnertime.

It was Tae who opened the door. He nearly leaped onto you in a hug, causing you to almost drop your bags. You hugged him back as best as you could, with you arms being full of food. You tapped him twice on the back and he let go of you. With a little bit of struggle, you handed him all the bags and he brought them inside before returning to you. He wrapped his arm around you and you walked into the dorm with the happy boy hanging from your shoulder.

Hoseok was the next to see you as you entered the dorm and he pulled you into a long hug as well. With two members attached to you, getting to the living room was slightly harder, but pushed through.

"Y/N!" you heard a shout and suddenly Jimin was hugging you from behind. Another call of your name as you passed a bedroom and Jungkook was practically clinging to your waist.

Namjoon joined in on the group hug (tackle?) and glued himself to one side. By the time you reached the living room, Seokjin had appeared from the kitchen and was hugging you front so you could only see out of a tiny crack in the mass of bodies surrounding you.

You heard the front door open and shut and then footsteps toward the living room.

"Ya! What are you guys doing? Suffocating my girlfriend?" you heard Yoongi scold the other members. And there was the last one. One by one, the boys (reluctantly) peeled themselves off you and allowed Yoongi to approach. He didn't look any different than when he had left, but it felt a little as though something had changed. Maybe you just missed him too much.

"There's my girl," Yoongi said happily as he gave you a hug and a small peck on the lips. You knew that the maknae line was making gag faces at your PDA, but you didn't care as you pulled Yoongi in by the collar for a longer kiss.

"I brought food," you signed once you had released Yoongi. The boys all cheered and you were sucked into another giant group hug.

"Nooma, you're the best," Jungkook said, hugging you separately. Once he got over his initial awkwardness, Jungkook was most definitely the clingiest on of the bunch, followed by Taehyung in a close second.

The feast was lively, as any meal with Bangtan is. There was Seokjin stuffing his face while scolding everyone else for eating messily. There was the maknae line eating messily and being scolded by the eldest. There was Yoongi who commented on everything you made, complementing it so strangely that you wondered if he'd watched too much Food Network while on tour. There was Hoseok who was animatedly telling you about everything he'd done on tour. And then there was Namjoon, who was only one eating like a normal human being.

Jk, he was actually cleaning up the mess from the broken mug he knocked over, the poor boy.

Dinner had been eaten and the dishes had been cleansed and everyone was sitting in the living room doing something or another. Mostly playing video games. You were sat in the middle of the couch with Kookie on one side and Jimin on the other. Yoongi had been demoted to another couch as they claimed he would have plenty of time with you later.

You had just beat Kookie in Mario Kart for the 3rd time and he was sulking while you patted him on the head when you heard a voice pipe up from the other couch.

"Hey, Y/N, who was your bias? It's probably Yoongi now, but who was it before? We were placing bets while on tour," Hoseok asked.

"Yah, you can't just ask that outright," Namjoon scolded. "But we do want to know, if you're okay with telling," he signed to you perfectly. He was certainly improving with his sign language.

"I think it was Yoongi all along," Seokjin said. Jimin and Namjoon agreed with him.

"I'm pretty sure it was Jungkook," Yoongi said. Hoseok and Tae agreed with him on this one. "I mean, you pretty much adopted him. It has to be him."

"Well, I think it was Taehyung hyung. She was the most awkward around him at first," Jungkook said. Seven pairs of eyes turned to you for confirmation.

"Kookie is right. It was Tae at first. But now it's Yoongi," you signed, blushing a little at being put on the spot.. The others all groaned and Kookie cheered. Apparently, they'd promised meals to the winner, so Jungkook was about to get six free meals.

"Wait, Y/N, what did you sign for Jungkook's name?" Namjoon asked. You made the sign for 'k' and then circled it in your hand to resemble a cookie. Namjoon laughed at your korean/english mix for Kookie's name sign.

"So you have name signs for all of us?" Hoseok asked eagerly.

"Of course I do," you answered.

"What are they? Tell us please, noona," Taehyung begged, scooching closer. The others also pleaded to know theirs and you sighed in amusement.

"This is for him," you said, pointing to Yoongi. You made the 'm' sign for Min Yoongi and then crossed it over your heart for love. Tae and Jimin awed at that.

For Tae you made a 't' and then wiggled it above your head like a puppy's ear because he always reminded you of an energetic puppy. Jimin's was the 'j' sign and squish into your hand like you were squishing a mochi. Hoseok was 'h' and a circle in the air for sun. Namjoon had the 'n' and two taps to the side of your head for intelligence. Seokjin's was an 's' and spooning into your mouth like food.

They all loved their name signs and the meaning behind each one. With an hour to spare before midnight, you and Yoongi said your goodnight's and traveled back to your apartment for a deep sleep. (And other fun nighttime activities.)

First Words (BTS - Yoongi x Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora