Chapter 8

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"Yoongi-ah! You made it!" Jin exclaimed happily.

"Yah, don't sound so surprised. I said I was going to come, didn't I?" Yoongi said.

"Yoongi's here now! Can we eat now?" Jimin asked hopefully.

"Not yet. I asked you to set an extra place for a reason. There's still someone yet to sit," Yoongi started.

"Did you invite PD-Nim to join us?" Hoseok asked.

"No. There's something I need to show you," Yoongi said. You heard fabric rustling and then the room was full of exclamations and gasps. With everyone talking at once and no visual, it was hard to decipher who said what, but the gist of it was "Yoongi-hyung!" "Whoa!" "When?!" "How?!" and one "What does it say?"

"Quiet down, guys. Let's hear what Yoongi-hyung has to say," Namjoon shushed the boys.

"Thank you Namjoon. I figured it would be easier if you heard it from both of us, so I'd like her to join us for dinner," Yoongi said, and you figured that was your cue. You could feel your heart hammering inside your chest. Were you really about to meet your favorite K-pop group? Yes, you were and it was absolutely terrifying. Wanting to embarrass Yoongi a little, you stayed behind the wall.

"Yoongi-hyung," you heard Jungkook whisper.

"Did she run away?" Jimin asked. You heard a light smack and a "Hyung!" You giggled a little, almost glad that you couldn't make any noise even accidently..

"Well with your hair like that, she might have. You could at least comb it, Yoongi," you heard Jin chastising. A chair scraped and then "Seokjin-hyung! Stop trying to fix my hair!" By this time you were full out keeled over laughing.

"Yah, are you going to come out of there or do I need to carry you over here?" Yoongi asked. Figuring you'd had enough of a laugh, you calmed your breathing and ran your fingers through your hair quickly. At least the fun had somewhat eased your nerves.

You slowly peeked your head around the corner to find 6 pairs of eyes staring at you. One was staring at the food until a light smack on the head from the eldest had Taehyung staring at you too. Feeling the blood rush to your face, you quickly ducked back behind the wall.

"Yah, you guys scared her with your staring like that. What are you trying to do, burn a hole through her?" Yoongi muttered.

"Well at least we know she's still here,"Hoseok said.

"She might not be for long if you keep looking at her like she's got two heads," Yoongi said. "Please come back. I promise I'll try to get them to behave."

With that, you gained enough confidence to step forward so you were fully on display. You waved shyly at them and gave a small smile.

"She's pretty," you heard Taehyung whisper under his breath and you blushed heavily.

"What are you doing standing there? Come sit and eat! We have too much food for us. Eat, eat," Jin insisted as you entered the dining room and sat down in the empty chair on Yoongi's right.

"Guys, this is Y/N. She's my soulmate," Yoongi introduced you. Not sure what to do, you just waved at them again. Damn your social awkwardness.

"Let the girl speak for herself, Yoongi," Jin, who was sitting on your right, said. You looked down and bit your lip to stop the smile that was threatening to show. You pulled out your trusty notebook and wrote down "I'm mute." You lifted the paper for everyone to see and watched their faces fill with realization as to why you hadn't made a single peep.

"Oh, sorry, Y/N," Jin immediately apologized.

"It's alright. You didn't know," you wrote down.

"I'm Seokjin, by the way. The oldest," he introduced.

"I know. I'm sort of an ARMY," you gave in response.

"An ARMY! So I guess you know who we all are, then," Jimin said. You nodded.

"Did you come to our concert?" Hoseok asked. You shook your head.

"I couldn't get tickets," you wrote.

"That's okay! Next time we have a concert, we'll get you front row tickets!" Hoseok promised. "That is, if you stay till then."

"I don't plan on going anywhere unless Yoongi wants me to," you replied. That seemed like it satisfied the other member and you could feel them slowly starting to warm up to you. All of them were so sweet and friendly that you felt accepted the moment you sat down.

"So how did you guys meet?" Taehyung asked. Yoongi recounted the story briefly.

"Ah, so that's why you're wearing Yoongi-hyung's clothes. I thought..." Jimin started.

You picked up your pen and threw it at him, hitting his shoulder as you mock glared at him. "Aigoo! Why does everyone think that? First Jungkook and now Jimin. My dongsaengs have such dirty minds!" Yoongi complained.

"Well, it did seem pretty suspicious. Anyway, now that the story has been told, eat! I'm starving!" Seokjin cried out, handing you a plate of noodles.

As soon as you accepted the plate, chaos erupted. All the boys reached for the food at the same time and the room was full of noise as they asked each other to pass around dishes. You took some food for yourself, realizing you had forgotten lunch.

Lunch! You were supposed to have lunch with Ivy and you hadn't said anything or gone home for hours. Pulling out your phone, you saw 27 missed calls and 42 texts. Knowing your best friend, she was probably ready to put a search party out on you.

You quickly excused yourself from the table and hurried to the living room, fully prepared for the scolding of a lifetime.

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