Chapter 12

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*A/N: If you couldn't tell already, I really love soft Yoongi, but I promised drama and soon!

Warning: Mild sexual themes (implied only, nothing explicit)

You got used to waking up tangled in the sheets with Yoongi's arms wrapped around you. Despite him being not about romance and all about swag , he was the biggest cuddler you had ever met. Every second he could, he was touching you. Whether it be hugs, holding hands, or just absentmindedly stroking the back of your hand as he worked, Yoongi was constantly in contact with your skin.

You and Yoongi had decided to permanently move in together 10 months into dating. Living with your boyfriend was a far cry from living with your best friend. For one thing, nighttime wasn't always for sleeping any longer. The first night it happened, it had been your first time and Yoongi was so careful and gentle that you almost felt like getting up and finishing the job yourself. He was sweet for being careful, but you knew what you liked and you told him so.

Once he knew, however, he made sure to give you what you liked every single time. Yoongi himself found out that though you would never scream his name, he enjoyed watching you squirm even more tahn he could have imagined.

When you weren't fooling around in the dark, you were cuddling. It was one of those quiet moments now, as you focused on lesson plans for your class with your left hand under Yoongi's right. He was typing away on his computer as his thumb gently ran back and forth over your hand. You would never have imagined a year ago that you would be sitting where you were with Min Yoongi holding your hand. It all felt so unreal. Like you were living in a bubble of dreams that could pop at any moment.

You set your laptop aside and just stared at Yoongi, memorizing every detail of his face. You wanted everything carved into your memory so that if anything happened he would always be with you in your thoughts.

You watched him slip his tongue out of the corner of his mouth and then break into a small smile as he found the right chord.

You watched the corners of his eyes crinkle in deep thought and his head tilt to the side while he analyzed his lyrics.

You watched him push his hair away from his face and form a little quiff at the top of his head.

You watched his hand sleepily rub his eyes and then return to the laptop.

You watched him turn his head to catch you staring. Oh shoot. He caught you.

"Like what you see?" he asked with a smirk. You gave a wink in response and he gave you a gummy smile in return.

You scooched closer and pressed yourself to his side, completely immobilizing his right arm.

"Jagiya, as much as I love cuddling with you, I need my arm to work," he laughed at your affection. You shook your head and pressed your face into his arm.

"You've been working since morning. You can take a 15 minute break," you signed without removing your face from his sleeve.

"Fiiiine," he sighed, removing his laptop and pulling you on top of his legs instead. Satisfied, you smushed your face into his chest and vigorously rubbed your nose into it. "What are you doing? Trying to dig a hole?" he asked, wrapping his arms around you. You just nodded and then lay still for a minute.

You sat back and stared at his face which was looking back at you. "Do you think we'll be together forever?" you signed.

"Of course. We're soulmates, remember?" he assured you, rubbing his hand up and down your back since he knew that was what you needed whenever you were stressed.

"I know. But what if something happens? What if-" you couldn't bring yourself to sign anymore with all the horrible scenarios running through your head.

"Y/N. Y/N, hey. It's okay. Nothing is going to happen to us. The universe said we were meant to be and even though I never believed it before, I sure believe it now. You are the most amazing girl I have ever met and I will never, ever leave you, okay? Even if the stars disappear, I won't care because you are the only light I need," he promised. You nodded at that answer, smiling at his poetic line.

"Y/N, I won't leave unless you want me to," he continued. Reaching over to the coffee table, he plucked a purple dahlia from the flower pot. "You see this flower? This is us and as long as there are dahlias in the world we will be together." You took the flower from him and placed it back in the pot before kissing him.

"Okay," you signed, happy and melted on the inside from his speech. You returned to your cuddle session and the two of you promptly fell asleep on the couch.

First Words (BTS - Yoongi x Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя