Chapter 15

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Not wanting to face your apartment, you stayed at Ivy's apartment for the better part of a week. It was about 5 days into your extended sleepover that Ivy determined she'd had enough of your self-pity and ordered you out.

You knew she was right. There was no point in wallowing around. Mustering up the little strength you had left, you opened the door to your apartment to find it empty. His stuff was still there, but it looked as though it hadn't been touched in days. Only the closet looked different and some of his clothes were missing. At least he was giving you space. But he was clearly hoping you'd accept him back if he'd left most of his clothes here.

You flopped down on the couch and pulled out your phone, reopening the article for the first time since Friday. You scrolled down to the comments section and felt glad for a second that it wasn't you in the photos. There was a lot of speculation about this girl, and most wondered if she was his soulmate. There was also a lot of hate comments, ragging the girl about her looks and how she'd stolen him from Army.

A few comments did make you feel slightly better. Three Army's had formulated a theory together, claiming that they weren't real kisses. You didn't really understand most of what was said, since it contained complicated English words and your fluency was mediocre at best. But the gist was that something about his body language and her grip made it look like she'd forced the kisses. The theory was enough to give you a little hope and you decided at that point that nothing was going to happen without communication.

You quickly showered and dressed in your own clothes (you'd been borrowing Ivy's for the last few days), before heading out to the dorm. You knew the boys had been given a week off with Christmas coming up soon, and they couldn't really go out too far for safety reasons, so your best bet was probably the dorm.

You knocked twice and waited for a while. You debated between leaving or staying when the door swung open to reveal an uncharacteristically gloomy Hoseok. He didn't really look surprised to see you there, waving you in silently and pointing to Yoongi's room before disappearing into his own.

The whole dorm was eerily silent. Your footsteps felt offensively loud as they echoed in the empty hall. You stood outside Yoongi's door for a minute, before deciding that knocking was the best course of action. You rapped on the door with your knuckles and waited.

"I said I'm fine Seokjin-hyung! Just leave me alone!" you heard Yoongi's muffled voice come from the other side. Taking a deep breath, you opened the door softly and slipped into the dark room.

The place was trashed. Food wrappers littered the floor and items were strewn across the room. Yoongi himself was curled up on his bed covered with a thick blanket. It reminded you the room you walked into when you saw his hotel suite for the first time.

"I told you to leave me alone, hyung! Why can't you just-" Yoongi threw the blanket off himself and sat up on the bed, pausing his rant when he found you rather than his hyung.

You stood frozen in the entrance of the room, not quite sure how to react. You'd only planned so far as getting here. Now you were just playing it by ear.

"Oh my god. Y/N," Yoongi whispered, scrambling off the bed with such haste he nearly tripped twice on his way to you. Once he reached you, he put out his arms as if to hug you, but then thought better of it and retracted.

"Y/N, please. You have to let me explain. I tried talking to you before, but Ivy-" he stopped as you held up a hand. You moved past him to sit on his desk chair. The one where only a few weeks ago you had sat on his lap as he played his new music for you and asked your opinions.

You motioned for him to sit down on his bed and he did. "Explain," you signed. "No apologies, no excuses. Just the raw details."

"Y/N. It wasn't real. That girl, she forced herself on me. I don't know how she got backstage three times or how she got close to me, but she forced herself on me. You have to believe me. That girl means nothing to me. I didn't kiss her. It might look like it, but I was actually trying to force her off. I swear, I would never cheat on you, Y/N," Yoongi stopped his speech and raised his eyes to gauge your reaction.

You kept your face expressionless, taking in the new information. So he didn't cheat. But why did it feel so wrong? And why did they look so right? Was he telling the truth? You wanted to believe him. You really did. But something was warning you that this wouldn't be the last time you would have your heart broken by him. Still, he had never wronged you before, so you supposed he wasn't lying this time either.

"I believe you," you signed. Yoongi's face lit up at your words. "But it might be awhile before I can fully trust you again. You had the whole night to tell me, and things we did- I would have liked to know from you first before the media told me," you continued. He smile fell a little at that, but he nodded in understanding.

"You're right. I should've told you first. I just didn't know how fast the media would release the information and I wanted to be selfish for one night before telling you. I'm sorry," Yoongi said. You rolled the chair over to him and placed you hands around his.

"We'll be okay," you signed.

"I love you," he signed to you. You smiled at the memory of him doing the same thing for the first time.

"I love you, too," you signed back.

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