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Warning- sexual scene in this chapter.


The second lunch was over, I threw off the cling on girl and basically ran to my next class to see if I could catch Malia before she went inside but there she was, sitting at her desk with a detached look on her face.

I knew the girl had been too much for her, but I had to show Henry and whoever else was watching that I was really and truly 'done' with Malia, even if that was the farthest thing from the truth.

I felt the emotions rising to the surface but they had to wait until after school.

I noticed Henry and Daniel making their way towards me in the hall so I stopped ogling my girlfriend and made it seem as if I were just procrastinating going inside the classroom.

"Louis. I see you've finally dropped that American trollop-good for you. I think she was trying to shag my guard anyway."

"She couldn't handle the pressure of our lives, so I cut her loose. What-or who-she decides to do in her life is no longer any of my concern. He can have her if he wants."

"Ah, hear that Daniel? You got the royal approval! I'll set up a meeting between the two of you at once!"

I flickered my eyes to Daniel who seemed a bit uneasy with my acting but I cast it aside as his nerves. We all had a part to play, and mine was acting like a royal douchebag.

"Henry, do you happen to have Olivia's number? I thought I might give her a ring later," I said as we entered the classroom finally, Malia's blue eyes landing on me then quickly shifting over to Daniel as if it was almost painful to look away from me.

It was how I'd felt in the cafeteria not being able to look at her either.

"Of course, I'll text it to you later. One woman to the next, what are we going to do with you Louis?"

Henry's words grated on my last nerve and I decided not to answer, suffering in silence through the rest of the class knowing the girl I truly wanted was wasting her longing glances at the wrong man.


"Come to the end of your driveway. I have a surprise for you."

I smiled into my cellphone as I heard Malia open the doors to her house and begin walking down her driveway as I instructed.

The rest of the school day had been torture, but the light at the end of the tunnel was knowing that I'd be able to see her once the day was over.

We had to be discreet and I'd began using a burner phone in case our enemies were tracking my calls, and Gordon's resources were bountiful when it came to his array of drivers at his command and I was more than grateful that the serial numbers on the cars didn't have a royal link to them.

My family had decided to use Gordon's private security firm instead of the government's resources after it had been discovered that our government could be paid off, but we knew Gordon would never accept any amount from our enemies as he was one of the wealthiest men in all of England and was held to a code of honor that he earned going undercover for the King's Horses.

"There's a car here. Where's it going to take me?" I heard the smile behind her voice.

"Wherever you want it to go. I'll meet you there."

"You're seriously asking the American where to go? No, you pick, I'm bad at this kind of stuff."

"I'm sure you'll do fine."

"Well, I've always wanted to visit an actual castle..."

"We can go to Leeds. It's closed now for some renovating."

Royally FlushedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora