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She was beautiful -no, stunning- and outrageously so. Even I would give her that. But that also made her all the more dangerous. I couldn't let the bulge in my pants distract me from what I really needed. She must have been everything my parents ever wanted for me: beautiful looks and her own claim to royalty, wealth and fame that didn't involve using me to get it.

Of course, being American she was a bit rough around the edges. She even thought that I was going to hit her for sitting in my seat. I wondered if that was really how Americans acted, or if it was something from her past that made her react that way towards me.

I shrugged it off as just another strange American thing that I'd probably never understand and soon realized that I was staring at the girl. Malia Echols.

I realized she'd opted out of using her Spencer surname by choosing to go by the less formal Echols title. By the bewildered and out of place look on her face the moment I set eyes on her, I noticed that she really wasn't accustomed to the upper class society and way of life.

Staring at her heart shaped face and oval crystalline blue eyes, I began to imagine how soft her pink lips would feel being crushed underneath my own, how her smooth skin would feel under my rough hands, calloused by years of hard labour I'd endured for the sake of staying 'grounded' as my parents had called it.

By forcing me to do the same chores as the underprivileged, they believed I would suddenly gain a new respect for the life I was given and all of that other horse shit my parents would feed me day in and day out. I didn't like the way it tortured my smooth hands, but it did wonders for my upper body and core strength, giving me a muscled physique that any other man would have had to work twice as hard in the gym to achieve.

I allowed my thoughts to wander back to that of Malia, of how soft and sweet she was. But I could tell she was holding something back, a guarded look in her eyes. I wondered what really happened to her, if she had really been in a car crash or if there was another story behind her guarded eyes and fearful expressions.

I also wondered what secrets laid there inside of her, just beyond the surface. It was like she was a puzzle and all I had to do was peel back her layers one by one, just like the layers of clothing she had on...

I shook myself out of my lustful reverie and finally looked away from her, telling myself that I didn't care about her secrets and that I didn't care anything about her, but then I realized it was five minutes until class was over, and my staring seemed to do a number on her. I liked the fact that I could unnerve her, the fact that something that I did could make her feel something, anything. I didn't care if it was a negative or positive emotion. Maybe five more minutes of staring wouldn't hurt...

God, I really needed to get my boners in check, otherwise I'd be banging her by the end of the bloody week.



He stared at me the entire class. Literally the entire class! It was like he knew just what to do to unnerve me. Thankfully that was the only class left until lunch and I took a deep breath as I noticed Lizzie beckoning me over to her table.

"Hey!" I said to her enthusiastically. She smiled and pulled me into a hug I wasn't expecting and realized that she was sitting at a prime table location, one that everyone in the entire cafeteria was staring at.

Great, my first day and I was already drawing extra attention to myself by sitting at the popular kid's table.

"Malia, you've already met Raina, but this is Mary," she said pointing to a girl close to her. She had red hair and a sweet smile. I waved back politely.

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