Safe Haven

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He hated the plan. No, he absolutely despised the plan in all of its entirety, but what choice did he have?

After Daniel spilled his guts and gave them the exact location where the King's Horses gang was meeting, they let him go but kept his partner Matt for a while longer to drive the point home that Daniel hadn't betrayed the gang when in fact he'd squealed like a pig and would most likely be killed in the worst way possible if he were found out to be a traitor.

Daniel was going to then wear a wire to every meeting that he was called to and had already allowed Gordon's company to clone his cellphone so that they could see every call and text that he made.

Louis was okay with this part of the plan, but what came next had him almost seething with fury.

Malia had suggested that she try to get closer to Daniel and make it seem like he had actually succeeded in breaking the two of them up, and while it seemed like a good plan on the outside, it really just gave Daniel more of an excuse to spend more time with Malia, something that Louis was adamantly against.

It was bad enough that Louis had to act as if he didn't want anything to do with Malia at school, but the only time they could actually see each other would be if she were to sneak out at night and stay with Louis which was improbable more due to the fact that her step father was a raging psychopath and could be lurking about anywhere, at anytime.

Malia had assured him that the only thing she felt for Daniel anymore was pity, but it did nothing to quell his jealous tendencies.  Yes he felt terrible about beating him the way that he had, but he knew that he would do it again in a heartbeat if Daniel ever dared to hurt her again.

He was lucky that the weekend gave a reprieve for him and he would be able to see Malia a few times since his parents gave him weekends away from royal duties as often as they could. 

He had planned on spending every conceivable second with her, and that started with Gordon picking her up and allowing him to take her to one of his favorite places in the world- his family's winter cabin.

Nestled in the foothills of Leith Hill, a small castle that attracted a few tourists was the main attraction, but the cabin was very intricately hidden amongst the trees and hills and was basically invisible to the unsuspecting eye, which made it the perfect hideaway from the press-not to mention the fact that it was only a few miles from London.

Louis had just finished asking Gordon to find someone appropriate to pick up Malia from her home when his father came bursting through his bedroom door, making him realize that he should've just stayed at his own private estate instead of treading the halls of Buckingham.

"What is this about you and Lady Spencer no longer being an item?"

"An item?  You make it sound so...arranged," Louis started, realizing that his father must have seen the tabloids newest fascination: Louis and Malia's breakup, or rather the fabrication of their breakup that Louis' people had leaked to the press the night before to kickstart their 'plan'.

"Well, son, it technically was arranged.  Now, I want you to go and find her and fix whatever it is that happened between the two of you.  The public were just starting to warm up to the idea of you together."

"Trust me, father, I'd love nothing more."

That seemed to stop him in his tracks.  It wasn't often that Henry, the all powerful and insurmountable, was at a loss for words.

"W-well, then, get on with it, and bring us back our rightful princess."

"I didn't even think you liked the girl, father, given the way you treated her when you first met."

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