13 | Allegory

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The shattered glass across the floor was but an allegory... a beautiful broken art form, just like her. 

Adrienne had mind-linked me to let me know that I had to go back home, once again leaving James to tend to training the juveniles and more experienced warriors in the event of a rogue attack. When was it coming? Who fucking knew, certainly not me. Was I losing the plot? Or just willing to admit that sometimes, I just didn't have the fucking answers. It felt like everything in my life was falling apart at the seams... 

I'd already surmised the likelihood of Miesha's resolute plans before Adrienne had mind-linked me, and I did the only thing that felt right under the circumstances. No bullshit. No secrets. Just... honesty. 

"Jacob is my twin brother, but he is not your mate..."

"I am." 

I felt my wolf yip with pride at my declaration before her. He knew she was watching. He wanted more than anything than to see her, rub his scent all over and bury his head in the crook of her neck, but he couldn't. Still, it was enough for now that he was the closest he had been to her with her being aware of his presence, as it was for me. Progress. 

I could feel her heartbeat quicken, her anxiety heightening beyond anything I had felt from her, even at the hospital. My instincts kicked in, an overwhelming urge compelling me to comfort her.

But I refused to be the cause of her undoing....

Shifting away from her slightly, as if to demonstrate I meant no harm, I try to reason with her. "I know this is difficult to take in Miesha. I understand that you are confused."

"But I felt the pull..." A whisper to herself that only I could hear. 

Her eyes pleaded to me as if I was joking, looking to Adrienne first, and then to Neve to try and rebuke what I was saying. They confirm what she isn't prepared to admit. 

Can she not feel anything with me? 

My jaw clenched. My wolf was jealous, and if I was going to face facts, so was I.  I knew she could taste it rolling off me, no matter how hard I tried to contain it. 

I am unworthy of her. 

"You felt it because he wanted you to, Miesha. This is no fault of yours... none of this is... " My words were soft. Careful. Almost methodical, because saying these words went against everything that felt natural. Everything that I had rehearsed for in finding my mate. Fate had dealt us a cruel blow, and I had to try and salvage what I could, if I could at all... 

My eyes fell on where she was looking. 

Her crutches. 

She wanted to retreat. Hide. Escape. 

I caused her to feel this way. I pushed her too far, too soon. 

"Miesha... I have an offer for you to consider." 

Looking at me, she holds her breath in anticipation. 

"I am offering you protection. To stay here... in my home until such time as I... take care of Jacob. Once the threat is removed, you are free to do as you wish... You will have the chance to reclaim what is rightfully yours, your title as Alpha of the Shadow Moon Pack. You deserve nothing less."  

There is conviction in my voice because I believe every word. She deserves the world, with or without me in it. 

Reaching across the floor to my side, I pick up her crutches one by one, sliding them gently so they are beside her. 

I feel her emotions... Doubt and uncertainty descend over her like a thick fog as she tastes my pain and regret in the air that I shamefully don't try and hide from her. 

I watch as she slowly stands. 

I remain low, my posturing trying to prove to her that I am not him. I am not a threat. 

She stands, and looks down on me, an unmissable but subtle nod in acknowledgement. Nothing more. 

I keep my eyes down on the floor, staying still... the tension remaining palpable, leaving every movement volatile. 

I see Adrienne walk towards Miesha hesitantly, both of them bypassing me carefully as they head out to the front door, "Let's get some fresh air... " 

Pushing my hands against my knees, I stand. My eyes trace her form as she walks towards the door with Adrienne, feather strokes of tingles erupting across my skin as she passes by. 

Surely she can feel them too? 

Giving Miesha space with Adrienne, I walked further into the kitchen, flicking the kettle down and preparing a cup of coffee. 

Neve comes up beside me, patting my shoulder as she shakes her head,  "You handled that so well Gabriel, you should be proud of yourself..." 

"He has ruined her..." I rumble, my voice seething with spite.

"No Gabriel. You...  have saved her... " Her tone empathetic, I hear nothing but sincerity in her words, which brings me some level of assurance that I am doing something right.  

"I think you've made the right decision. Your morals won't allow you to  take advantage of her vulnerability... but this is a good compromise. She will be safe, and if she decides to leave, it will be on her terms.... We all respect you for how you lead in a crisis Gabriel, you always put others first, and it just makes me admire you more. I will be here in any capacity to help... always." 

I appreciate her soothing my doubts, "You're like a sister to me, Neve. I couldn't do this... any of this, without you." 

With no more words exchanged, we sip our coffees, both unsure of what was going to happen next. Looking out the view of the kitchen, the wafts of lavender and honey dance through from just outside the window.  

At least she is here. At least she is safe. 

For now. 

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