Mamma's 47: Hades

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"Zagreus please stop crying, I don't know what you want, you're not hungry or anything so why are you crying?" I cradled my son and talked to him as if he could answer me back.
He kept crying but I didn't want to wake Pandeia, she's been overworked with taking care of Zagreus and her duties, she refused to get a nanny just to help her out.
"Sshhh my boy, we don't want to make your mommy worry now, do we?" I whispered softly and he calmed down. His red eyes stared wide eyed at me.
I smiled, feeling proud at the fact that I got him to calm down, even if I did use his mother to calm him down.
"There we go, you are a momma's boy aren't you Zagreus." He made some babbling noises and I chuckled.
I waited until he's fast asleep before putting him back in the crib.

Lucky for teleportation, I find myself back in our room where Pandeia is sprawled out all over the bed. Her long silver white hair is all that you could see of her, like it was some kind of blanket.
She was absolutely breathtaking.
I quietly climbed into the bed and tried to find a place to sleep. The moment my head hit the pillow her head instantly found peace on my chest and she throw her leg over my body and sighed. "How'd it go with Zagreus?" She whispered.
"I thaught you were sleeping?" I kissed her forehead and her beautiful purple eyes stared up at mine. "You know I can't sleep without you dear Husband." She brings her face closer and connected her lips with mine and I gladly returned her kiss.
"If you keep kissing me like this I will be the reason you won't sleep tonight." She gave a cunning smile, "Who says I plan on sleeping right now?" She giggled, quickly kissed me again and turned away and I cuddled her.
"Alright, be mean to me, but don't think you can get away with it." I gave her little kisses on her neck and she moaned in protest. "Don't Hades, I have alot of work tomorrow." She tried to slap me away. "It's your fault, you started it." I keep kissing her everywhere, my hands are roamed her skin.
Worshipping her.
"Hadeeeesss!" I could see the smile on her.
"Mmmm, what is it that you want?" I taunted her.
She peaked at me with one eye open. "What I want right now and what I need right now are two different things."
I kissed down to her legs, "Oh and what is it that you need?"
She giggled, "Sleep Hades, I need sleep." I went to her other leg, "Oh interesting, and what is it that you want my queen?"
"That's confidential." She squeaked out at the moment I kissed her feet, "Mmm, that's too bad. I thaught we don't keep things from each other?" I began to kiss back up to her stomach. "Mmm, maybe." I could feel how she wanted me.
"But it's my duty to make sure my queen get whatever she want and needs, and if you don't tell me how can I fulfill my duty as your husband?" I make my way up to her breast, sucking on it just a little.   "Mmm, you're the lord of the underworld, you'll figure something out, right?" Her breathing was getting more uncontrollable the more I kissed and sucked on her skin.
I turned her on her back with both hands held above her head. "I'll give you what you want." Her eyes shone with anticipation and excitement. "I don't know, are you able to give me what I want?" She challenged.
"Well then my queen, tell me when I'm done." I captured her lips with hunger while she moaned under my touch.
"Let me show you what you want." Lust was evident in her eyes. "By all means, my king." That was all it took for me to ravish her.

Pandeia was still peacefully sleeping. I tired her out last night and yes, I was proud of it.
I didn't want to wake her up so I left to go get breakfast to take up to her. The chef was surprised to see me. "Lord Hades! How can I help you this morning?" He asked.
"Just get me the ingredients for waffles." He scurried to get the ingredients, "Right away m'lord." I made the pancakes and went back to our room where I found an empty bed.
Trying not to panic I walked to Zagreus's room. There I found her singing a lullaby to our son. Her beautiful eyes connected with me and she smiled.
"Good morning Husband." I braught forth her breakfast.
"I wanted to give you breakfast in bed, but then I find you here. How unacomidating you are." I smirked while she walked to the table in the room where I placed her food. "Is this all for me?" I kissed her lips. "Yes, all for you." I took a seat next to her. Her eyes studied me and before I could even ask what the matter was, she stood up and took a seat on my lap. "Much better!" And she happily ate her breakfast with an occasional bite of food that she shared with me. After she finished she threw her arms around me,
"I love you Hades." I gave her a kiss on the forehead. "I love you more Pandeia." and then our morning was rudely interrupted by Thanatos.
"Hades, Zeus is here with Selene. They demand to see the child." Oky maybe not Thanatos, but the news Thanatos brings.
"Very well let them in we will meet them in the sunroom." Pandeia ordered and I scowled.
She just giggled. "Don't look at me like that Husband, you know he won't stop until he has seen our baby." My shoulders sagged, knowing it was the truth.
"I wanted a peaceful morning with my family, not an overbearing ego one." I mumbled, Pandeia grabbed me and pulled me down to her level. She placed a hard kiss on my lips and I drowned in it as I kissed her deeper.
I picked her up and her legs folded around my middle. I pushed her against the wall and she gasped, deepening our kiss.
"Seducing me won't change my mind, Hades." She whispered against my lips and I let her down. I rested my head on her shoulder.
"You saw right through me huh?" I stated the obvious and she giggled.
"Yeah, but atleast my mother is here to buff him out a bit."
That was true. Selene seemed like the only one who could really tame Zeus these days, he didn't want to say it to Pandeia, but it worried him. For what it meant for Hera and Zeus's relationship and it was not just him, the other gods are worried as well.
"Yeah, doesn't make me feel any less better, so let's get this over with."
Pandeia helped me dressed Zagreus, who only wanted to be in the nude this morning, but after some time, we got him dressed, finally!
"Now let's go show you off!" Pandeia cooed and Zagreus giggled.
Definitely a mamma's boy.

The moment we entered the meeting room there was a squeal

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The moment we entered the meeting room there was a squeal. I knew it was Selene.
Pandeia was ingulfed in a hug. I knew they would get out of hand, so I carried Zagreus, best to be prepared.
"Look at you child, you have the glow of a mother." and then her eyes met mine and then to Zagreus and her eyes widened.
"Look at the handsome boy." She was in awe and for once I smiled, feeling very proud of my son. Zeus stood behind her now as they looked at Zagreus in my arms. I saw Pandeia in the corner of my eye motioning for me to give Zagreus to Selene.
"His name is Zagreus." I said while slowly giving him to her. Her body really wanted to explode from happiness, that much I knew thanks to being married to Pandeia.
Luckily she kept herself in check. "Oh he is gorgeous, isn't he Zeus? Just look at the eyes, simply beautiful." She gives Zeus a better view and he smiled. "Hades you've done well." I roll my eyes. "Let's sit out in the garden, Sebastian will bring us food and drinks."

Selene was happily chatting to Pandeia with little Zagreus in her arms. She said she will hold her grandson for as long as possible. Zagreus didn't mind one bit as he babbled on in her lap.
Zeus and I stood at a distance enjoying our drinks. "I've never seen Pandeia as happy as when she was with you, thank you Hades, for keeping her happy." He said with a sincered voice. His tone was not something I was used to.
"Don't go all mushy on me now brother, I'm not ready for that and won't ever be." He laughed and slapped my back hard. "I'll try not to." He smiled when looking over to the ladies, is eyes soften immediately and I knew that look.
I warned and his shoulders sagged. Knowing what I ment when I called his name. "I know." Luckily Sebastian showed up with food and drinks and we joined Pandeia and Selene. We all enjoyed each other's company with Zagreus as our main topic.
Pandeia giggled when we see Yami circling Zagreus in wonder, Midnight not far behind. "We'll have to announce Zagreus birth soon, I can feel the underworld's anticipation. Sebastian did say they could hear my screams and forever worried now." Pandeia says, giggling and I knew we must. "I guess so." I smiled at her and then adored our son, who is sleeping right now, comfortably in Selene's arms.

"Well now, thank you very much that you let us see the little prince." Selene said, hugging me and I felt very uncomfortable.
Pandeia smirked behind Selene and I scowled. Making her laugh. "Pleasure Selene, it is not like Zeus would have left if you didn't see Zagreus." She chucked at that.
"Sadly true." She joins Zeus and I opened the portal for them. "Until we see each other again brother." Zeus said and took Selene's hand to lead the through the portal.
Once they were gone I take Pandeia in my arms and kiss her. "Have I told you I love you?"
"Not today no." I kiss her once again, "I love you Pandeia, my queen." She smiled, tears comming from her eyes. "I love you to Hades."
Zagreus squirmed in her arms, frowning. It looked absolutely adorable.
"We love you too, Zagreus."

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