Pregnancy Hormones?_41: Hades

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The moment she left the throne room I felt like I've done something very wrong.
Who was I kidding? I did.
I raised my voice at her, called her inferior and didn't even consider her wants.
What have I done?

I searched for her, but I could not find her and Sebastian told me that she didn't look fine at all.
"She looked very dull." was his words. But I had hope, she would be at dinner and then I will make everything all right.
"So what did you do to piss her off?" Mafisto appeared, looking to the outside.
The underworld looked barren, dull, a wasteland.
"Stay out of it Mafisto!" I growled, he remained unaffected.
"As the one who checks up on Pandeia and your unborn child, it is my business. Pandeia doesn't need any stress or an overdrive of emotion, the baby takes all her energy. Keep that in mind." And then he disappeared. I crouched and pulles on my hair.
Mafisto was right, the baby is taking everything she has and now I'm the one who causes her harm.
Dinner, I have to make it up to her at dinner.

I pulled all the stops, Lothar made her favorite foods, I got flowers and jewelry, even got a new collar for midnight.

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Now all I had to do was wsit, she should be here any moment

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Now all I had to do was wsit, she should be here any moment. My nerves were at their best at the moment. I prayed that she will forgive me.
Dinner came and went, she never showed up.
She never misses dinner, she was the one who insisted on it. Just how mad was she at me?
Mafisto said she was feeling under the weather and that she should not be disturb.
I assured myself that she would be at our chambers tonight but I was greatly mistaken when I entered the room to find her not there. I knew then for sure that I had messed up greatly and even more so when he saw the weather. It was chilly and not in the normal way, it was like it was attacking your bones. I had to do something so I make my way to Pandeia's room.

"Pandeia darling?" I waited a few seconds before knocking. "Pandeia?" She still did not answer so I slowly opened the door to find her softly sleeping in her bed. I kiss her forehead, pull the blankets over her and take a seat in the lovechair by the fire. She would not like it if I joined her while she was still mad at me. Besides, I couldn't even sleep without her anymore, so being near her brings me peace of mind. So I slowly drifted off to sleep, hoping for a better tomorrow.

I woke up the next morning to find her missing from the bed. Elena, one of her maids, walked in and jumps in surprise when she sees me. "I did not know you were her my lord, please forgive me." She quickly bows and I wave it off.
"Don't worry, have you by any chance seen Pandeia?" She thinks for a moment. "I did see her strolling through the garden, but she seemed rather down." I run to the garden as quickly as I could, momentarily forgetting I could just teleport there.

I found her in the garden, but the sight broke my heart. She didn't smile like she usually does when she's here. I don't know how to make it right with her.
"Darling, I have a meeting with Zeus, would you like to join?" I knew that despite me finding Zeus very irritating, Pandeia loved him and it cheered her up. She didn't even look my way when I spoke.
"No, I do not wish to intrude in your bussines. This is your realm afterall in which I have no say. Please send my regards." I've never heard her voice sounding so broken and void of emotion. "Pandeia..." I wanted to apologize, but Thanatos had to appear. "Lord Hades, Zeus has arrived." I turned around only to find Pandeia gone and it even feels more chilly than usual.

"Ah, brother, So good to see you again!" Zeus almost jumped on me. "Brother, awful timing as always." I fired but he pays no attention to it. "Come let us discuss bussines!" and off to my study we went.
I really couldn't focus on anything that Zeus was saying. My mind was on Pandeia.
"So it's fine with you then?" Zeus's voice came through, but I did not know what we are speaking of so I just agreed. "Really?" He looks at me sceptical and I agree again. "So it's fine for me to take Pandeia back to her mother?" That enraged me. "What no! I would never let you take her!" Zeus sighed. "What's on your mind brother because it's definitely not here?" I wonder if I should confide in him? Despite me hating to ask him anything, I had no choice, if otbwas for Pandeia, I would do anything. "Well you see, I've said some things to Pandeia and it seems like it greatly upset her."
"And?" Zeus pester me further for information. "Well unlike her to just yell or get angry, she just left and she's been void of emotions eversince and the underworld is getting colder by the minute. I want to apologize but my effort seems to be in vain. What do I do?" I've stooped low enough to ask him for relationship advice, he is probably the last person to even ask about problems like this.

Zeus laughed when I told him everything.
"Oh dear, that's quite a problem." I was now slightly annoyed. "Well will you help me or not?" I was impatient and wanted to make things right with her. We had many fights, but we always made sure that we made up by the time we are in bed. So this is new to me.
When Zeus was done laughing he talked. "She's just like Selene. Look, during their pregnancy, instead of feeling sadness or anger, their emotions just vanish. For you to restore them, you must do something that will activate their positive emotions amd I mean something big." I think for a minute and then remember something. "She wanted a shower baby or something, like a kind of party thing that I denied. If I let this party happen, will it return her feelings?"
I hope, still not liking the idea of so many people in my realm that is not meant to be here.
"Yes that should do the trick."
"Thank you brother." I am truly thankful to him today. He could've easily not help me at all. "No problem, anything for my little girl." He coed and I almost gagged. "I shall be off then, I think you have much to think about." Now I had some work to do, that much of what he said was true.

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