Confession_23: Pandeia

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I come into view of a romantic setting and a small stage. Thanatos was there is well. Dressed like a butler, I couldn't help but smile. "Thana, what are you doing here?" He looked slightly irratated. "I'm being reduced to a butler tonight. Please take a seat." He pulls out a chair for me and I take a seat.
On my plate there is another letter.

To my Beloved Wife, Pandeia.

I am sure you are wondering what is going on, be patient and enjoy the look on Thanatos face. It's amusing.

Take a seat, I'll be seeing you soon.

Love Hades

He was right though, the look on Thanatos face was funny. It looks like he is mumbling words or talking to himself.
I take this time to admire the flower that was in the vase, it was a rose completely made out of different stones to make it look like an actual rose. It was plain, but beautiful. The stage light turned on and in the middle was Hades. I had to hold my breath, he was wearing a black tux. He looked ravishing and I feel my cheeks already heating up from just looking at him. He was holding a guitar and I must say he looked out of place when he holds that instead of his bident. "I know that you are probably wondering what I am doing up here." His voice is shaky and held little confidence. He didn't sound like the ruler of the underworld that's for sure. His eyes met mine with so much determination. "Pandeia, I wanted to say this to you for a long time now, but I didn't know how to... So here I go." If I look close enough I could see his hands shaking.

(you are welcome to play the video now. Everyone knows this song. If you don't, on which planet have you been living?)

"Wise men say"
He was... Singing. Hades is singing for me! His voice cracked a little but he got to it.
"Only fools rush in
But I can't help falling in love with you
Shall I stay?
Would it be a sin
If I can't help falling in love with you?

Like a river flows
Surely to the sea
Darling, so it goes
Some things are meant to be
Take my hand,
Take my whole life, too
For I can't help falling in love with you

Like a river flows
Surely to the sea
Darling, so it goes
Some things are meant to be
Take my hand,
Take my whole life, too
For I can't help falling in love with you
For I can't help falling in love with you."

He finished the song and I was an absolute mess. I've never in my wildest dreams imagined that he would do this. He came over and wiped my tears away with his thumbs.
"Is it normal for one to cry on a first date, did I do something wrong?" He can be so insecure. "You... You're inlove with me?" He kneels in front of me, he takes my hands in his and softly kisses them. "Pandeia, I'm not just inlove with you." He takes a very deep breath. "I love you, with all that I am." His eyes never lost contact with mine as he said those words.
"Oh Hades." My eyes tearing up a bit as I look at my husband.
"I love you, Hades!" Like the woman I am, I tackled him to the ground with a hug and he laughs. "You are something else you know that." He picks me up and places me back on the chair. "Now, shall we continue with our date?" I give him a nod while trying to contain my tears.
Hades loved me.
I knew I loved him, I know the time that I realized it as well.

We were in our garden looking at the sunset in each others arms and just out of the blue he asked
'Can I brush your hair?'
His question bombarded me, but I said yes anyway.
When I later asked him why he said to me that when he brushes it, it looks as if the stars are dancing in my hair. His voice held so much vulnerability and it just clicked that I love him. I could never bring myself to say it to him then, I was scared it would take all the process we made away and here he was, singing a song for me, telling he loves me.

"Well I can't say no after all this can I" He smile, "I guess not."

We enjoyed our dinner, making fun of how Thanatos gloomed around. "So tell me something interesting." We are currently eating strawberry and chocolate mousse. "Well, I found out I really like Elvis Presley. I was searching for a song to sing for you and I came upon his music. I quite like the guy."
I laughed my heart out. "Of all the things you could like about earth you like Elvis, good taste though." He gives me a confused look. "What is so funny about it?"
"Nothing really, it's just hard to imagine. The Lord of the Underwolrd all doom and gloomy loves Elvis. You don't normally put that two together." He begins to laugh as well. "If you put it like that, I guess it is funny. So not a word to anyone else!" He holds his pinky out  for me. "Pinky promise." He then kisses my and his pinky. "Pinky Promise."
"Thank you for tonight Hades. It was amazing, I will never forget this. It means alot." He kisses my forehead. "Only for you my Love." he pulls away and we looked into each others eyes, not one of us dared to look away. Our lips was inches away from touching. "Pandeia I..." Before he could say anything else I kissed him. I could feel the electricity between us. It was amazing. He grabbed me closer to him, our bodies wanting to be closer to each other. My body reacts in ways I never knew how, my whole body is on fire. Our breathing was rapid but we couldn't stop. My hands reached on their own to get rid of his jacket,but his hands stops me. "Pandeia, are you sure, this is not how I..." I place my lips on his again. "Hades, now couldn't be more perfect. I want to." I didn't need to say anything else, his lips claimed mine. I was ready for this step and so was he. That was all we needed.
In an instant we were back in his room. Our lips didn't dare lose contact with each other. I was up against the wall with my legs wrapped abound him. The stars were dancing in my eyes as I bathe in the pleasure of our kiss.
"Pandeia are you..." I shut him up with a kiss. "A queen does not repeat herself." That was all he needed and he ripped my dress off of me. "I'm going to make love to you all night long my wife."
I smiled up at him, "Please do my king."


I didn't want to put hot steamy lovemaking in the story just yet, but if you guys want one, I'll make one just say the words...

Till next chapter.

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