Queen's Guards_36: Magnar

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Me and Hagar are covered in sweat, we've been sparring for hours on end to see which one of us is the victor, but we break even with every blast. "Why don't you give up Magnar?" We are both out of breath, the tips of our swords touches the ground. "Are you kidding and let you take the glory, no way Hagar!" He smiles, at least I think that is what he is doing, his face is swelled and he could barely see. We have regenerative powers so it only takes us a few minutes to completely heal.
Suddenly we feel a very powerful presence among us and we stop fighting. If you didn't know who he was you were really stupid, you could tell from the power he omits alone. "I am looking for Hagar and Magnar!" The soldiers parted like the red sea to make a path for him directly to us. He reached us and pointed his scythe at us. "You two will battle me together." Everyone looks as confused as we were. Not like we could really refuse so we stood ready. He signals and then attacks at full strength. We fight until the sun sets, mind you, Hagar and I were already fighting before Thanatos came and challenged us, so we are exhausted.
We almost had him pinned, but he got loose. I see we atleast did some kind of damage to his face, but as soon as it was there it was gone in an instant.
"Stop!" We stop upon his signal. "You have proven yourself worthy, please follow me." All eyes were on us as he leads us to the castle. Why wouldn't they, it's not everyday that Thanatos graces himself with his presence. "Sir, may we ask why all of this is happening?" He kept walking, "You will be informed in due time." Hagar looks more contained than me, my insides are turning and burning. I must say I really look forward to see the inside of the castle, I've never seen the inside before.

As expected, everything is in shades of black and greys, there was some colour here and there. A splash of dark purple or light blue or white. It felt different somehow.
And there on the throne all dressed in black is none other than Hades himself. On the left though is a throne the complete opposite of his dark one. It was pure white with different stones created to look like flower vines. The light seems to be attracted to it somehow.
"Lord Hades, I have found the suitable warriors." You couldn't see much of him, but one thing you could see was his red eyes. We couldn't look him in the eyes for long, when people do, they scream in horror and when asked what they saw they refused. So unless you are one of the gods, don't look too long.

We bow before him. Thanatos seems to be bored or stone cold. I couldn't tell, but he was much more laid back than the two of us. "Rise and state your names."
Hagar was the first to rise. "I am warrior Hagar, my king." His voice was strong and confident and I prayed that I would sound the same.
"And I am Magnar, my king."
He nodds in and then taps his finger. "You will be assigned to guard a person. You will not leave her side no matter what and protect her with your very lives, you must always be alert and for tartarus sake please don't loose her. You will be my eyes and ears regarding her and you are her first line of defense. Should you fail you would pay with your lives." He didn't give us an option of declining. Just who are we protecting? Hagar choose to speak. "We'd be honored my king, if we could be so bold as to ask who we are protecting?" It's like he reads my mind.
"You will be protecting the queen and our unborn child."
I almost choked on air. Us protecting the queen and the first child of Hades. I've heard about how Hades married the wrong bride, but then she turned to underworld into a better place. Even though I never saw her,you could see the difference she caused here and people say her beauty is beyond compare.
Dear Tartarus if we fuck up we are guaranteed to die, again, but lost forever. "Thank you my Lord for trusting us with such a great task."
"Mmm well yes, I've done research on you two and you make the perfect combination of brawn and brains. Thanatos tested your skills to confirm that you are indeed suitable, if you couldn't defeat him you would have been of no use for me." That makes sense. A demon made it's appearance."Is Pandeia here by any chance, I saw her a moment ago?" Hades just sighs. "No,but she should be here any moment, I need to assign her guards."
The demom writes something down. "We should get a bell for her." Hades actually smiled. "I agree, while you are here, I'd like you to meet her guards, Hagar and Magnar."
He inspects us, "My name is Sebastian, the queens personal attendant. I wish you good luck." He gives a full blown smile that absolutely looks suspicious.

"Husband!" Suddenly a beautiful woman enters the throne room, more like running into the throne room. She looks so pure and innocent, nothing like the underworld. Her green dress seems to flow with every step but what captured you most was her eyes. "Do not run Pandeia! I don't want you to fall and harm yourself or the baby." He kisses her forehead and she giggles. "Sorry, so why did you want to see me?" He turns her to meet us, I've never seen such beautiful purplish violet eyes. "I would like for you to meet your guards. The one on the left is Hagar and the one on the right is Magnar." She gives us this angelic smile.
"Oeh how fun, please to meet you!" She's nothing like Hades at all. "It's a pleasure to meet you my Queen." We say in unison. "Freaky deaky, I like it." Hades just shakes his head. "Glad you approve, I must be off now, enjoy them." He says it like we are her toys or something. He then meets our eyes with a very deadly glare. "If there is so much as a scratch on her I will torture you." He was serious, the queen just kept on smiling like it didn't matter that we can be tortured if she is injured. "Oeh Bassie, I've been looking for you!" she skips over to Sebastian who looks disapproving at her. "Don't try to make it seem like you were searching for me, more like avoiding me!" She pouts and I am just confused how he could act so casual and scolding towards her, she is the queen after all. "Ahw that's not true Bassie, oeh will you give them their rooms and have them cleaned up, I want them to join us for dinner." Sebastian looks over at us. "Sure, but go to the garden and stay there till I come to you with them oky." She nodds and skips off. "Well then let's get you set up, here is a list of things you should know about her the rest you can figure out yourself and here is a lunar calender." Why on earth do we need a calender?

Hagar and myself have dorms right next to each other, its like a bachelor pad, with your mini kitchen and your bedroom/living room. Homey for one person. If feels unreal that we are the guards of the queen. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine this.
I've read through the list Sebastian gave us and I must say the queen is quite, unique. He said someome will be come fetch us to have dinner with the king and queen. On time someone knocks on the door. The girl was pretty cute at the door. She has dark blue hair and green eyes, cute petite body and very short compared to me. "Mister Hagar, I am Helena. I've been requested to escort you to the dining hall, please follow me."

Our first dinner with the King and Queen, well then. This should be interesting.

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