VII. Love in the Eyes

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THE SECOND TIME DAENERYS TARGARYEN came to visit Rikkia's chambers, her mood was the complete opposite to her original rage

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THE SECOND TIME DAENERYS TARGARYEN came to visit Rikkia's chambers, her mood was the complete opposite to her original rage. The Queen was even toting a bottle of wine and two cups in hand. The woman she had came to visit had thankfully still been awake, and was looking out the window at the moonlight as it twinkled on the sea beneath. The dragons must have lay to rest by now, but moments before they were soaring through the sky and creating an image so beautiful Westeros' finest artist couldn't depict it.

Her knocks on the wooden door were rather awkward as she struggled to carry it all without dropping, a twinge of regret rising at her decision to come visit at all. This was entirely inappropriate of course, but Daenerys had been in a rather good mood. Rikki had departed the council room and therefore had missed the many plans being laid out for a benign invasion of King's Landing, and the future was looking brighter than ever. She had the Baratheon woman to thank for planting the seed.

Rikki's lips parted in surprise as she opened the door, taking in the sight in front of her before proceeding to step back and allow her inside. She was still dressed in a fine gown, thank the Gods. But her hair had been unfolded from the intricate updo it was earlier set in, now tumbling around her shoulders like golden waves.

"This is a surprise, your Grace," came Rikki's first words, graciously accepting a cup when it was offered to her. "I do wonder, do you make such intimate visits to all your guests?"

"I hope you don't find it intrusive, my lady," Daenerys nodded respectfully, unable to keep the rising smile of amusement away. It was true, she'd never dream of acting so dishonorably as to visit a guest's chambers with wine. Had Rikkia been a Lord instead of a Lady, whispers around the Kingdom would be rife. "But I felt the need to celebrate. After all, we have now gone a full... day- I think it is? A full day without exchanging childish insults. You missed dinner, I noticed, and the toast we shared to a brighter future."

"Well, I had a lot to think about," the Baratheon replied secretively, hiding her lips beneath her cup as she took a long swig. "About my mother, about you."

"You should know that it is not our intention to sack the city," Daenerys explained, tone calm but encouraging as she hoped that the fellow blonde would see her vision. "Tyrion believes the inhabitants of King's Landing are too hungry and too distrusting of Cersei that they will surrender within minutes. I don't intend to melt castles and burn innocent people alive, I will fight against the Lannister army and no more than that."

Rikkia couldn't deny there was definite cause to her belief the townsfolk would surrender, having seen the city herself mere months before. Its residents were starving, and would likely have overthrown Cersei regardless of their pre-existing hatred of her. If Daenerys landed to the gates with food and the prospect of change, they'd likely bend the knee to be sure. A part of her always knew that her mother's reign wouldn't last - whether that was due to the state of the city even before she came to take it over or the fact people absolutely despised her. It was only a matter of time before Cersei Lannister was overthrown.

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