VI. A True Lannister

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THE FIRST TIME DAENERYS TARGARYEN came to visit Rikkia Baratheon's chambers was the first time they had seen each other since the Dragon Queen's return

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THE FIRST TIME DAENERYS TARGARYEN came to visit Rikkia Baratheon's chambers was the first time they had seen each other since the Dragon Queen's return. In almost the same breath as she relayed to Missandei the events that had transpired, she was already asking if the princess had left any word before her departure. It truly came as a surprise to hear that the lioness hadn't left - Daenerys was sure of it, even Tyrion mentioned he thought it were a strong possibility. For a brief moment, the blonde had felt a surprising emotion that was akin to elation.

And then Missandei told her further news of certain understandings that had come to happen in her absence.

Jon and Rikki infuriated her greatly, the latter so much more so. It had been years since Daenerys was being denied what she wanted, usually nothing took much persuasion with three dragons and a swell of an army at her back. Jon was too fearful of the Northerners outrage to bend the knee, she could see that the crown meant little to him and it certainly wasn't a matter of pride. But Rikkia was another story entirely. To hear that in the days since her departure some form of agreement had been reached between them sent her blood boiling.

"Queen Daenerys," the woman greeted smoothly, appearing at the door after a serious of quick knocks. "This is rather inappropriate, wouldn't you say?"

Her teasing smirk caught Daenerys off guard, leaving her flustered and forgetting entirely the speech she had planned in her head on the journey up to Rikki's chambers. Her head was tilted back slightly to look into her green eyes, the Lannister girl being so much taller than her own stature. Daenerys truly did despise how she seemed to lose her cool every time the other woman was nearby.

Swallowing thickly and clasping her hands in front of her, a pang of regret shot through the Dragon Queen for her decision to show up at her chambers. Her words rang true - it was inappropriate, and not how a Queen would treat a guest at all. Typical circumstances would involve Daenerys sending a servant to request a Lady's presence in a sophisticated manner. Having waited a beat too long to answer, Rikki stepped back and allowed her to enter nevertheless.

"I was nearly certain you would have left in my absence," Daenerys finally spoke, eyes trailing after the blonde as she gracefully crossed the room and filled her cup with wine from the jug. Taking a sip before deciding to answer, her usual stony expression seemed to falter somewhat.

"Is that what crossed your mind as you burned the bodies of my family's men?"

The Dragon Queen's lips parted momentarily, feeling caught off guard by the bluntness of her retort.

"All is fair in love and war, Rikkia," she settled on replying. "Those men died with honour on a battlefield, it's not as if they were butchered at a wedding without any means of defense or protection."

Sucking on her teeth, it was Rikki's turn to be caught off guard as she nuzzled into her cup of wine and took a long draw of the dark red liquid as a distraction. After lowering the cup, Daenerys noticed her bottom lip was reddened slightly from the color, looking as if she had been chewing on it or even as if she had been kissing for hours on end.

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