V. The Little Princess

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DAENERYS WAS A JEALOUS CREATURE BY NATURE, only it wasn't often she saw the true extent of that trait of herself

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DAENERYS WAS A JEALOUS CREATURE BY NATURE, only it wasn't often she saw the true extent of that trait of herself. The Targaryen Queen had almost everything a girl could want and more - a crown, power and three glorious dragons to fly her through the skies upon request. But just like Drogon, her largest and most frightening child, Daenerys was territorial. She practically bristled when the red dragon curled into Jon Snow's touch, never having seen him act so comfortable around anyone other than herself.

But when she rounded atop one of Dragonstone's many cliff peaks and saw Viserion, laying on stomach as if he were about to sleep - only instead of being closed his eyes were trained on the blonde who was stroking his long snout, she didn't feel territorial, nor cringe at the sight. If anything, it took her breath away.

Rikkia definitely didn't mean for anyone to catch her in that moment, that much was obvious from the slouch in her usually stiff posture and the amazed grin she wore. Perhaps it was something she had been doing in secret since arriving on the island, the very thought of which made Daenerys' heart practically skip a beat. She could only imagine it now - the lioness that swore off she hated the Targaryen lineage and never gave away whether or not she would align herself with Daenerys, skipping up the rocky hills to catch sight of one of her dragons. As much as she was warned against it, how could the Dragon Queen not find herself placing trust in Rikki when Viserion obviously did?

"He has always been the most difficult of the three," Daenerys announced, making her presence known and smirking lowly when she saw the Baratheon girl freeze up. "I named him after my brother Viserys, so it came as no surprise when he grew to be unruly. Always picking fights with his brothers.

"Drogon was named after my late husband," she continued, making her way toward Rikki until they were standing side by side, "so it would make sense he would be the most aggressive, while Rhaegal was named for my other brother. He's the most gentle."

A warm smile lifted the silver-haired Queen's lips when Viserion purred in greeting, her own hand lifting to stroke his nose in the exact place  Rikkia had dropped hers from moments ago.

"I never thought they would be named," she replied finally, eyes scanning his green-tinged wings and looking everywhere except for Daenerys' piercing gaze.

"I love them as if they were my own children," the Targaryen answered proudly. "I feel as if they are, I hatched them myself among the flames. There is a reason they call me Mother of Dragons."

"Well you have that many titles, I just assumed you started making some of them up," her companion replied, finally meeting her gaze so Daenerys could see the amusement dancing in her eyes. A short chuckle was shared between them, before a flash of something unrecognizable crossed her expression and Rikki became Lady Baratheon once more - stoic expression, squared shoulders. "They are formidable beasts. I'm sure they'll inflict mighty damage upon whoever you unleash them on."

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