Thank you.

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This chapter will be a short ( If I manage to keep it short! ) thank you to every single one of you.
Yes, you.

I've always wanted to write a book, and this first started as a lame short story that I wrote for fun with Mandy. She encouraged me to continue, make a few chapters, and see where it went. A few months later, I had almost finished a whole book. Yes, there are parts in here that I don't like and I wish I would do it again, but I think that's so amazing about this book; you can see my progression, and I wouldn't want to change that.

A few people deserve a special thanks, so here we go;

Mandy, lxlbitch
You are the absolute best for staying around, helping me, reading thousands of different plots and ideas, reading all the chapters for me to check for mistakes and things. All that you did made the book to what it is today, and I mean it when I say that you helped me write this book. You deserve a little spot in the description as co-writer because damn all the scenes and corrections you made for me, it's insane! But I'm so so grateful for it.
This incredible cover was made by you and I still think it's perfect for the book. I just wanted to mention you to tell you a huge thanks for making me multiple covers and making them so amazing! For all my Dutch readers; her covers are amazing so if you ever need one, go check her account!
( the cover book is in Dutch so sorry for the English people! )
Yes, you. You deserve a spot in here too. Thanks to you, I finished this book and made sure every chapter would be online. Through your votes and comments, I knew what to do and it kept me so motivated! All of you who have read one, two, three chapters, or the whole book, you all deserve a thank you. If you didn't motivate me to actually continue to write after weeks of writer's block, I wouldn't be able to say I finished my first ever book when the help of you.

I know this is probably super cheesy and stupid but I really wanted to close my first book with a little thank you chapter, just because it sounded cool. Maybe I'll add some more into this when I know what to say, but for now, this is it. I will keep you guys updated about my writing and I'll let you know if there will be a new book coming!

~ Zoë.

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