34. Ridiculous ideas.

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Chicago, two months later.

Conner still couldn't believe what Duncan had done to him.

"I can't stand to see that face of yours anymore," his brother had stated. "You ruin the atmosphere in the house. Even Karen gets cranky and that's bad for the baby. I booked a ticket and called Mom. She's overjoyed with your visit," he added with a cruel grin.

"Son of a bitch!" he cursed under his breath.

An older man looked up indignantly.

Not that Duncan was wrong. His temper had taken a nosedive after returning home from New York. First, he found out Jason turned off the GPS on his phone. During the calls to Karen and CJ, he was extremely vague about his whereabouts. Second, a moving company had come to collect all of Jason's belongings from his bedroom, kitchen and the art on the wall. It looked like he was robbed. And last but not least Tanja's remark before she kindly  showed him out.
"Why don't you just admit to something that's obvious to the rest of the world, Conner. You're in love with Jason."

Now he was in the only place where such ridiculous ideas were not mentioned. There was no one here who would suggest he loved Jason. In the distant, he saw his father standing. After a brief embrace, Conner heard him grumble: "Hurry up, will you. The game is about to start."

In the car he felt how his father glanced at him regularly. "Your mother is overjoyed that you finally stopped by, Conner, but she will be shocked by your looks. Is there something wrong with you? Lingering effects of the accident?"

"I just ended a relationship," Conner stated.

"Sorry to hear that, kid," his father's warm hand knocked on his knee. "Luckily, there are plenty of women who'll fall for a handsome boy like you."

Conner struggled to produce a weak smile. "Shit!" escaped him when he suddenly saw a billboard announcing Jason's exhibition.

"Exactly my idea, son," Patrick Murtaugh nodded. "But don't tell your mother. She absolutely loves that...that...Jason," he said, scraping his throat.

Conner looked at his father in amazement. As far as he knew, this was the first time he mentioned Jason by his name without adding an offensive indication. When they got home, the house was empty. He frowned at this unknown image.

"Your mother is taking a course. She is very active with her women's club these days."

"Are you okay with that?" he asked confused by his father's neutral tone.

"Of course I'm okay with that," grumbled his father. "She enjoys her hobbies and if she's happy, I am."

"That's what Duncan always says about Karen," he remarked, "I never realized he got that from you."

His father smiled. "Bring your bag up, I'll turn on the TV."

With a beer in hand, they saw how the Cubs had their hands full with the Diamond Backs.

"I really don't like that Pollock," Patrick grumbled when he reached the bases for the third time. "Do you feel like going to the stadium this weekend? They're playing the Nats."

"Sure, I'd like that," Conner said taking a sip of his beer. "I've seen them play in San Francisco. Harper is seriously good."

It was almost ten o'clock when he heard the front door. He got up to meet his mother. Suddenly he longed for her warm embrace.

"Conner!" Maud Murtaugh cried with joy and gave him a big hug. "It's so nice to have your home. Is everything okay? You look bad. Have you eaten anything yet? Do you feel like anything in particular? I'll just make you a little something," she rattled walking into the kitchen.

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