16. "For the last time, Conner Murtaugh. I'm not flirting."

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Jason had no idea what had happened during their absence, but Conner didn't say a word at lunch.

He alternated between staring at his food that was forcibly pinned to his fork before sticking it in his mouth and throwing disgruntled glances at Alex and Jason accompanied by audible snorting. All three tablemates ignored him as no one wanted to risk endangering the rest of the afternoon.

Just before she left, Natalie took him by the elbow. "I would love it if you came back after the trip for a snack and a few drinks. Is that okay with you?" Her other hand was lying still on his chest.

Unconsciously, Conner mirrored the little smile around her lips. "Of course, Natalie. Thank you for the invitation." As soon as he turned his back to her, the smile disappeared from his face. With a quick move, he snatched the keys from Alex's hands. "I'll drive."

It was adopted without contradiction.

"We still have to refuel first," said Alex, who quickly sat next to Jason when seeing Conner's icy glare. He enjoyed the gruff man behind the wheel. To provoke him, he regularly put a hand on Jason's shoulder or leaned towards him. Any action had produced a clear response. It was obvious Conner didn't want him to come near Jason. The question was why? "Jason, is there a reason Conner throws me disapproving looks?"

Jason blinked slowly. "Erm.. He probably wants to protect me from myself," he muttered embarrassed. "My last relationship was with a married man."

Alex heard him without judgment. "There is no question of that here. His assumption is completely wrong."

Conner parked the bus next to a pump. "Alex, do you want to refuel?"

The question sounded like an order. Nevertheless, he got up and did what he was ordered to do. It would bring him a lot of fun to get back at the Marine. Especially now that he knew what his weaknesses were. While refueling, Jason stepped out to stretch his legs and walked towards him. Nonchalantly, he leaned against the side of the bus.

"Do you seriously think it's a good plan to provoke him during our outing?"

Caught, Alex looked at him. "How do you know this?"

"It literally radiates from you," Jason chuckled. "You're too intense this way. Not just for Conner, but also for the boys. They won't know how to deal with it."

"Okay," Alex immediately agreed. "But later?"

"I understand what you mean," Jason nodded. "Later, the gloves come off." After dealing with one crisis, he walked back to the entrance of the bus. "Listen up, can you turn it down a little with your Mr. Freeze impression?", he snapped angrily at Conner. "I really don't plan to hit on Alex and you're ruining my good mood."

Similarly angry, Conner turned in his chair facing him.

"He presents himself to you on a platter and when it comes to appearance he is exactly your type. Who says you can resist him? Especially now that you're vulnerable?", Conner grumbled.

The answer left Jason stunned. He didn't estimate the situation that way. "Thank you for your concern, but I can take care of myself," he said resolutely.

Alex stepped in and slid next to a sulking Jason.

Conner squeezed his lips dissatisfied. 'Mind your own business! That's what it came down to.' In the rearview mirror, he saw that nothing had changed. He abruptly stepped on the brakes.

"Hey," Jason shouted.

The dirty grin on Alex's face only pissed him off more.

Jack and Charlie were waiting for them outside the center.

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