26. Experiment failed. Again!

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"Jason?", Karen snapped impatiently.

"What?", he asked distractedly.

"If this is starting to become a habit, you don't have to invite me to coffee anymore," she sighed slightly annoyed.

"Sorry, Sis. You have my full attention," he smiled apologetically.

"Our relocation plans are not going ahead. Duncan found a tenant who'll take our place."

"You don't really sound disappointed," Jason remarked.

"I'm not," Karen nodded.

"Who's choice was it?", he fished cautiously.

"Believe it or not, Jason, but this is completely unrelated to the situation between you and Conner."

Jason frowned. "What situation?"

Karen ignored his feigned ignorance. "So maybe you can take a serious look around now." Upon seeing the desire in his eyes, Karen knew she had gambled well. "It's time to spread your wings, little brother." Smiling, she took a sip of her coffee. "Do you know where you want to live?"

"No, but I want a house to grow old in."

"To raise a family," she nodded.

"No," Jason shook his head. "I gave up the idea of a family as soon as I fell in love with a boy."

She frowned. "Why? In this day and age you have so many options," Karen suggested.

"I know, but I see myself more as an uncle than a father."

"So you like being an uncle for a boy?"

"Sure. CJ is a great kid."

"Would you be a good uncle for a girl?"

"I don't know. I think so. Why do you ask?"

Karen's grin just about split her face in half.

"Wait a minute," Jason stuttered. "Are you telling me you're pregnant with a girl?"

She nodded. "Sixteen weeks."

Jason jumped up and hugged her. "What great news! How did Conner react when you told him?", escaped him before he could stop himself.

"You'll hear that at your lunch."

"You mean our date," he said with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes.

"Erm... Jason?', she hesitated.

He raised his hands. "I know he's doing it for Tanja, but I really intend to enjoy it optimally."

She thoughtfully showed off her lips. "Do you know what you're going to wear?"

Jason checked his appearance for the umpteenth time during the last hour in the window of the restaurant. His hands nervously strokes past his simple white blouse and jeans as he stepped in. The maître d' greeted him kindly.

"Mr. Greenleaves. What a pleasure to receive you." He looked at his tablet. "Your name is not on the reservationlist. If I'd known you were coming..."

Jason looked behind him at the fully occupied restaurant. "It's all right, Alfonse. Someone else made the reservation. Murtaugh?"

His finger slipped past the screen. "That gentleman has already arrived. He's on the terrace."

"Thank you, Alfonse."

After only a few steps, he had a view of Conner. He made his way through the busy restaurant. His breath hitched when Conner looked up and caught his gaze. By the time he approached the table, his mouth was bone dry.

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