05. The Proposal

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"Ultimately we know deeply that the other side of every fear is freedom."

Marilyn Ferguson

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It happened so fast. We were eating breakfast and then all of a sudden, we hear a gunshot.

The man stood in front of us, with his gun aimed at us. The first question that pops up in my head is how the fuck did he get in?

The only explanation would be Valeria, the maid.

"Oh my god!" My mother screams as she gets pushed behind my father.

I quickly take out my gun and aim at him. He doesn't back down as if he has been waiting for this moment for years.

"Who are you and what do you want?!" I yell.

"Lower your gun or the girl inside will die. My man is standing outside her door, waiting for my command."

"Oh, god!" My mother sobs when she hears this. She seems to be attached to Valeria for reasons I have yet to find out.

"What do you want?"

"Lower your gun!"

I look at my father and he nods.

Where are the fucking guards?!

I slowly lower my gun but watch his movements carefully.

"Now, use your phone and send me ten million dollars!"

I chuckle. Ten million dollars? That's like 100 dollars to us.

Looking at their posture and the way he carries themselves, I'd say they're casual robbers, who entered a house they know nothing about. If they knew about us being the mafia, they wouldn't dare come inside both of them alone.

But I'd give them the courage and from the looks of it, they got rid of all the guards surrounding the house, which is impressive.

He gives me his details and I send the money to the account. Once he sees the transaction successful, he starts to back away with the gun still aimed at us.

Once he's out of sight, I quickly take my gun and follow him. To my surprise, another man holding Valeria's unconscious body with his gun aimed at her standing in front of the bathroom door.

"Come any closer and I'll kill her!" He yells, putting more pressure on her head with his gun.

She is taped from head to toe and tears stained her pretty face.

I aim my gun at him and he yells for me to put it down.

"Let her go!" I yell, taking a few steps closer.

"Any step closer and I'll kill her!" He yells again.

As if she heard, Valeria starts opening her eyes, unaware of what's happening. Once she sees us and feels the gun on the side of her face, she stills and begins crying again.

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