Chapter 49

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Chapter 49-
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The look on Ashton's face was priceless as Kevin screamed out the words to 'All I Want For Christmas is You' in the back seat. I usually would be covering my ears from the noise, but I couldn't help but laugh at his expression.

Ashton reached over and turned the music off, to which I immediately turned it back on. He looked over at me and I sent him a challenging look, smirking as he sighed. He reached one more time to turn it off, but I took his hand in mine and laced my fingers through his as I brought it down.

"Let the man sing," I told him, holding back a laugh. He chuckled and shook his head.

"You really know how to get on my nerves, Summers," he said, and I responded with a proud smile.

The whole time this was happening, Kevin was screeching the high notes at the end. I winced at the horrid sound.

When we rolled into the parking lot, we found two open spots next to each other. Looking over into their car, I noticed Savannah and Justin in the back seat laughing together. I mean, I ship it.

"Thank god," Ashton muttered, referring to Kevin finally shutting up now that we were here. He really was like a five year old, wasn't he?

Kevin hopped out of the car, and I turned to look at Ashton.

"Remember what I said.. promise you won't start anything" I said, referring to our conversation earlier about Justin.

"I don't make promises I can't keep," he replied, slightly smiling as he opened his door. This was going to be an interesting day.

* * *

"Water isn't wet, end of discussion." I said firmly.

The group was waiting for Savannah and Scarlett to get out of the bathroom. I would've gone too but I was in the middle of a serious debate.

"Agree to disagree," Ashton retorted.

"Are you literally dense?! Water makes things wet but it isn't wet within itself-"

"Nope, it's wet," he cut me off. My eyes narrowed into slits. Just as I was about to come back at him, Justin interrupted.

"Oh, hey, about yesterday," he started. The playful look in Ashton's eyes immediately disappeared as he looked over at Justin.

"We're cool, right?" He asked, smiling.

"Why wouldn't we be?" Ashton replied with a clenched jaw and a fake smile.

"Well that's a relief.. thanks for understanding dude," He added, giving him a light 'bro' punch on the shoulder.

"Of course, dude," Ashton responded, punching him back on his shoulder a little too hard. Justin was a slightly caught off guard, but just smiled and walked away.

I sent him a warning look and he responded with a clueless, innocent shrug. Rolling my eyes, I slung my arm through his and started walking with the group now that they were out.

It was pretty cold, but I could feel Ashton's body heat radiating through me. I couldn't help but smile as our steps crunched in the snow.

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