Chapter 5

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Thank you to @ktrix77 for this beautiful cover art!!^

Chapter 5
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I heard the loud beeping of my alarm clock as I began to gain consciousness. When I went to shut it off, I fell out of my bed and slammed down on the cold, hard floor.

So much for snooze... I slowly picked myself back up and turned off the dreaded noise after almost letting myself throw it out the window.

I washed my face, pulled my hair into a pony tail, and slapped on a little bit of natural makeup.My outfit was just a tight, dark grey turtle neck with distressed, high-waisted jeans, paired with my trusty converse.

I grabbed my phone from off of my night table and made my way downstairs. I had a couple bites of Fruit Loops before I hopped in my car and started to drive.

When I arrived at hell, I stayed seated in the driver's seat of my car. I sighed and prepared myself for the first day of actual work.

I slowly emerged from my car and took in the fresh, California morning air. I started on my way to the front doors, and sped up when I saw Scarlett in the distance. When I finally caught up to her, she smiled and embraced me in a side hug.

"Hey!!" I said.

"Hey! What's up?" She asked.

"Not much, what about you?" I responded.

"Nothing really," she said. We walked into first period together and sat down in our respective seats.

Our teacher was sitting at his desk, glaring out at the pile of teenagers stampeding into his room.

"Today, students, we will be taking a test about how much you retained over the summer. Unlike other tests of this sort that will take place in other classes today, this one will count towards your final grade," he said.

He handed out the tests, and everyone in the class grunts as if the louder they are, the less likely they will have to take the dreaded test.

After the test (which I definitely failed), Scarlett and I walked out of class together. With every step away from the classroom, I could feel the relief flowing through my veins like water cooling down burning logs.

The next couple of classes went by without anything relevant occurring. As I entered the History room, I sat down in the back and waited for Scarlett.

I began to grow impatient. I didn't know what was taking her so long- she's usually one of the first people in the classroom.

A couple minutes later, the teacher closed the door. As my confusion started to shift to worry, there was a loud knock on the door.

The teacher opened the door for a very frazzled Scarlett, who bursted into the room as soon as he cracked the door open.

She scrambled to her desk next to mine, and quickly pulled out her books from her bag. She noticed my confusion, and looked up at me after everyone had returned to the lesson.

"I'll tell you and Vana at lunch..." she said and started taking notes on the board. I guess that I just assumed that she lost her phone or something, but I guess it was something more than that.

"And then she just walked up to me and knocked my books out of my hands and was like 'whoops' and then she was all like 'maybe if you weren't such a little bitch you could learn to walk' and then I tried to stick up for myself when she knocked my books out of my hands again and walked away with her friends.

After this I of course had to quickly fix my hair which took about a minute, and therefore I was late to class." Scarlett ranted.

Apparently, the school's "it" girl walked into Scarlett and went all haywire on her... sounded vaguely familiar...

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