Chapter 21

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Chapter 21
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        Almost as if the universe wanted to further taunt me, my mind had been flooded with a different kind of bad dream last night...

As I slipped into a deep slumber, the world began to open up around me in glowing colors. I was lying in my bed back in Boston, only I wasn't alone.

A few moments later, Ashton appeared above me, his hand cupping my jaw and then tracing down my neck and chest. I bit my lip and arched up into him as he pressed his lips to my cheek, then my neck, then my collarbone.

I breathed out his name as his hand gripped my waist and he brought his lips above mine, looking deep into my eyes as I stared back up at him. He whispered my name, deep and sensual, and I nearly moaned at that sound alone. His lips lightly brushed mine as he genuinely slid his hands to mine and interlocked our fingers.

He began to plant long kisses down my neck again, lingering on a sensitive spot and sucking gently. I breathed his name again, and he brought his hands back out from mine again to lift up my shirt and begin kissing down my stomach. I felt my fingers through his soft hair as he continued lower, and lower, and lower.

As he began to kiss along my pants line, my heavy breathing began to blend with the sound of my alarm clock, and suddenly I was being pulled from the euphoric state I had been in.

When I opened my eyes, all I saw was brightness. I had forgotten to close the shades the night before.

I flipped my legs off of the side of the bed and went to stand up. Halfway through standing up, I slipped on a stray magazine and flopped onto the ground.

"Jesus Christ..." I mumbled as I climbed off of the ground.

I pulled out a pair of light shorts and a cute shirt that I got from 'TJ-Max', the love of my life. After I threw on some natural makeup, I ran downstairs to get some food.

After a couple bites of cheerios, I grabbed my backpack and ran out to my car.

On my way to school, I thought back to ice cream with Ashton. I tried to remember if it was a dream or reality. It definitely felt like a dream... I knew that it wasn't though.

I pulled into my normal parking spot next to Scarlett's spot. She got out of her car when I pulled in.

"Hurry up we're almost late," Scarlett ushered me out of my car. She seemed sadder and less put together that day. I figured that I would just ask her what was wrong at lunch. I had a feeling that whatever was wrong with her had something to do with the night that she had to leave dinner early.

When we sat down in home room, a substitute teacher walked in the room. She was a middle-aged woman, probably in her 40s, and she was wearing glasses that strung around her neck. Let's just say that she looked like a bitch...

"Good morning class. My name is Martha and I'll be your substitute today," she said as she sat down. "Your teacher let a list of what to accomplish today, but since none of it is graded I guess there's no point in doing it..." She went on. I liked her. "So I already did all of the worksheets and you guys can just look it over whenever... You can just talk to each other or study this period."

Scarlett and I looked at each other in awe. Excited squeals were heard all over the classroom and high fives clapped all throughout.

I got up and went to Martha's desk. "Excuse me, would you mind if my friend and I went to the library?" I asked her.

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