Chapter 2

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Thank you to @hchladybug1218 for this beautiful cover art!!^

Chapter 2
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I woke up to the loathed sound of my alarm clock booming throughout my room. I emerged from the warm safety of my bed as I reached over and shut it off.

I slugged into my bathroom and washed my face. I brushed out my dark blonde hair and braided two strands together in the back, leaving the rest of my hair hanging.

I loosely curled my hair and put on some simple makeup. My outfit consisted of ripped, light-wash mom jeans and a white, retro-looking crop top that I got at my favorite thrift shop back in Boston. I slipped on my high-top converse and walked downstairs.

I quickly ate some frosted flakes, brushed my teeth, and grabbed my backpack. I began to walk into my mom's room to say goodbye, but since she was sleeping, I decided not to.

I grabbed the car keys and drove off to the school. As I was driving away from my house, another hurricane of emotions swept through me.

The people in my new school didn't know anything about my family, who I was, or what I was like. A completely clean slate had been set in front of me, which is great... but I couldn't help but feel like I was going to mess everything up again.

As I pulled into the parking lot, I began to breath heavily. I tried to calm myself down with some of the strategies that my therapist showed me back home.

When I finally calmed down, I got out of my car and took in the scenery. I kept my head down and tried to find my first period class.

After asking like 10 different people, I finally found it. I swallowed the lump in my throat as I sat down at an empty desk in the back of the room.

As I was getting my books out, I heard a voice in front of me.

"Hey! You must be new. My name is Scarlett," I looked up at a girl with strawberry blonde hair, light blue eyes, and a pretty smile stretched across her face. I smiled back.

"I'm Crystal," I told her and her face lit up at my name.

"I love that name! It's so pretty," She said and then sat down at the desk next to mine

"Thanks, yours too." I responded and she smiled as she took a piece of paper out.

"I wonder if we have any other classes together," she took my schedule and compared them side by side.

She was super perky, but she seemed really nice. As long as she was nice, I liked her.

"We have history together fourth period. Then we can walk to lunch together after," she said and I smiled. "So what do you like to do?"

Scarlett and I talked with each other for about 10 more minutes, and we actually had a lot in common.

I started to feel the uplift in my chest again, but this time I let it happen. A little bit of joy couldn't be too bad once in a while- I just couldn't allow too much joy.

The teacher walked in during the middle of Scarlett's story about an embarrassing school moment of hers.

"Hello students... Welcome back. My name is Mr. Dowche. Not douche... Dowche. And I will be your calculous teacher this year," He said and a couple giggles scattered throughout the room.

The period consisted of the class rules and shit. I didn't pay attention. When class ended, Scarlett and I looked at each other.

"I'll see you in history... good luck!" she said and walked out of the room. Before I could say bye she had already left.

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