12. Dream some place nice

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A/N: Hello everyone!
I have finally returned to Wattpad! For starters, I want to apologize for to my readers on this fanfic for making them wait for so long for a new chapter. I had some rough bumps in life and tbh I kinda forgot about this fanfic until I got the emails that you guys commented on liking the story and wanted to read more. Those comments really motivated me so I am now officially announcing that I shall resume this fanfic and go back to updating it a chapter every week.
Thank you for your patience and encouraging words. Enjoy the read.

Chapter 12

"Dream of someplace nice, dream of someplace nice"

This was the thought playing in your head. You wanted to get some good proper rest. You open your eyes and realized that you are officially dreaming. It isn't in the boiler room, however.

Your eyes snap open and you sit up looking around yourself.
Your vision was blurred but you could still see the green and brown around you. It looked like a forest.

As your eyes focused they indeed confirmed that you were in a forest. In a calm, sunny, fresh forest. You get up smiling, your body feels like you could fly, you look down at yourself and see that you are wearing a white fancy nightgown.

Your attention was interrupted by a branch snap. You turned your head towards that direction and saw a whole flock of birds fly towards you and circle you just like in those princess movies. You laugh and run with the flock as it flies out into the open meadow.

"Aheyheyheyheyyy!" you hollered. You were overjoyed and out of breath from the great run.

You turn your head back to the forest and held your breath as a beautiful doe hoped out of the woods and froze but a few feet before you. Sure this is just a dream but you stood frozen in case it might get spooked.

The doe looked straight at you and you couldn't help but smile.

"This is the best dream I ever had," you whisper to yourself.

"Yes, it is a lovely dream." a rusty male voice interrupted in a mocking tone.

"Shame it has to end." it finished and was immediately followed by Freddy emerging from the shadows right behind the doe.

It all happened so fast that it took you a full five seconds to process what just happened only to be abruptly thrown off by the doe's head rolling towards your feet.

You shriek and look at the poor doe with great fear but Freddy only grinned proudly and wiped his bloody claws with his sweater.

Your eyes meet his and his expression transformed into one of disappointment. He marched towards you. You unfroze from your stance and ran out into the field.

You tried to make it back into the forest hoping you could hide there from him but he caught up with you.

You turn around right he pins you to the ground, his warm heavy breath hits your face. You close your eyes and prepare for the worst. But nothing came.

You slowly open your eyes and see Freddy getting up, his face possessing a satisfied grin as he spoke;

"Boy do I like a good chase."

You use your hands to lift yourself up halfway.

"You're not gonna hurt me?"

You ask quietly. His expression flipped to an unsatisfied frown again.

"No," he huffed through his teeth.

Now you were confused. "Then why did you chase me?" you asked in a tone louder than you wanted to.

"Because there is no one else I can chase!" he exclaimed.

You tried your best not to giggle as you don't see it every day that a full-grown male is complaining like a spoiled 6-year-old.

He glares at you childishly as you cover your mouth to censor the already escaped chuckles. You clear your throat and process what he said.

"Wait, you mean that there is no one else in the dream realm? I'm a little confused, it's not like I'm the only person you can get to right?"

"But that's just the thing!" Freddy replied swaying his arms.
"Over the past two weeks, I had enough strength to attack 5 people including you. But the 4 victims before you became impossible to pull back into my realm. You see, I've told this before and I'll say it again, I need their fear and knowledge of me to give me strength to pull them in and kill them. But it's as if they forget about me! This is why I spared you because I need you to spread the news. But even that doesn't seem to work."

His temper cooled down at the last sentence. It's as if he gave up.

You look down at your feet and then up at him. He pouted a little and looked out into the woods that you dreamt up. You put your hand on his shoulder hoping to comfort him. You glared at you but his expression seemed to be that of boredom than of anger.

He lets out a sigh and puts his hand on yours that was massaging his shoulder a little.

You two stood in silence for a moment the whole forest atmosphere turned into the boiler room again. You take your hand off his shoulder and he clears his throat before proceeding.

"Listen kid uh... I need to figure out what is it that's keeping me from being able to pull those little piglets in, ya know?"

You nod in response.

"Good," he replies.

"You better get out of that hospital soon if you wanna make yourself useful."

He turns around and away. The whole boiler room blurred out and you woke up to the bright light of a hospital again.

"Great," you mumble sarcastically.

Date published: July 14 2020
Date edited: May 14 2021

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