3. The article

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As weird as the dream was you didn't think much about it. You go outside and out in your front yard you see your friend, Stacy, waiting for you and she looks very excited to tell you something.
You call out to her

"Hey Stacy, how have you been?"

Stacy takes a deep breath like she always does when she I about to give you out a long story.

"Oh my gosh, okay, so did you hear about the thing, the people dying because of their dreams? Well I just read this article that a person, who survived his nightmare, wrote. It describes his dream and what happened! And, like, it was so weird! The guy said that there was, like, this boiler room, it all looked red and smoky and all and just... here! I'll send you a link."

She started going through her phone but you couldn't even move. All of her information flooded through your brain and what's worse, it sounded just like the dream you had! But you decide to keep quiet about it. Your friend sends you the link and you tell her that you have to go because you need to mow the lawn. But you don't go to get the lawn mower. You go inside and open the link Stacy send you.

You start to read and here is what was written:
"Hello, my name is Stephen and I am one of the few who survived the nightmare attacks. In this essay, I will describe what I saw in my dreams. This is to spread awareness. If your dreams match my description please contact a hospital immediately!"
*link to hospital and phone number*
"My dream started off like this: I woke up in a boiler room. It was all red and smoky. I had no idea what was going on."

You stop and put your hand on your chest because your heart started to beat faster. You still forced yourself to continue to read:

"I started to walk around and see if there was an exit. After some time I finally found a staircase that led out of this basement. But when I started to climb up a shadow of a human in a hat blocked my way. He laughed and lunged at me with four knife that seemed to come out of his hand. He yelled "It's Freddy, Bitch!"as I fell real hard on my back and that's when I woke up. I wasn't able to make out the human being very well but he looked like a burnt victim. So all we know is that his name is Freddy. Be aware."

You finish reading. And now your mind goes on to make points in your head.

Should I go to the hospital as it says here? Or no. I don't want to startle my parents and friends. Hmm.

You can't make up your mind. Even though you aren't a superstitious type you do believe that identical dreams aren't a mere coincidence.
You decide to just not worry about it and start planning out your day. You plan to mow the lawn like you should have in the first place and text your BFFs to go shop at the mall.

The rest of the day was simple. You come back home from shopping, do your reading, have a good dinner and go to your room to get dressed for bed time not worrying one bit about your dream. In fact, you actually forgot about it after a long day. You go to turn off the light and start to dose off to sleep.

Date published: July 14 2020 | Date proofread: July 8,2022

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