Chapter 7

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(Y/n) P.O.V.

"Do you want me to drop off at your place?" He asks while driving. I shake my head. "My step mum is the only person in my life. My dad died a few years ago. We both know how that's gonna go on if I go back there." He silently nods. "I'm sorry." He says. I'm confused. "What for?" "Both your parents are gone. I may have that prick of a step dad, but I still have my mum. And a little sister." I smile. "It's okay." He pulls up in the corner of an apartment complex. I stop him before we get out.

Eggsy P.O.V.

"Eggsy. I just... you mean so much to me." She says shyly. I smile at her lovingly. "You mean a lot to me too." I promise. "Wh-what I'm trying to say is..." she pauses. I can't take it anymore. Her face is too cute right now. I love her so much. In a burst of confidence, I kiss her lips. She is shocked at first, but kisses back. Our lips move in sync. It's like fireworks are going off. I lick her bottom lip, asking for entrance, to which she obliges and opens her mouth slightly. After a few moments of making out, Toby has to ruin the moment by sticking his head up front. She laughs at Toby, and pets his head. We climb out of the car, and let the dogs follow us inside. "What would you say if I ask you out, luv?" I ask. "I'd really like that." She says. I give her lips a quick kiss. "Good." I open the door to my apartment that I haven't seen in months. "By the way, luv, your face is a little red." I say proudly.

(Y/n) P.O.V.

That kiss... magical. "I'm going to change, yeah? I'm don't want to risk Dean getting home first. Promise to close your eyes?" I smirk, and shrug. "We'll see." I say. I understand his concern though. "I promise." I say after he give me a look. He nods. I follow him to his room, then face the wall, keeping my eyes closed as promised. "We probably should have stopped at my apartment. I could have snuck in for normal clothes." I joke, considering we were both in the recruits plaid jumpsuit. "You still look good in anything, luv." He promises. I chuckle. "You can turn around now." I turn to see him pulling the shirt over his head, allowing me a glance at his abs. I walk over to him, kissing him again. "I can think of a few things more interesting then changing." I tease. He smirks. We start to make out again. His lips start to hover over my neck, and his kisses it lightly. He moves down towards my collarbone, while his hands travel towards my ass. Just then, we hear the front door closing. He places a finger over his lips as a sign to be quiet.

"Mom?" He calls. "Eggsy!" He leaves the room, me following, and embraces his mom. It almost makes me nostalgic. "Oh, God, where have you been? I've been so worried about you." She frets, kissing his cheek. Eggsy crouches down to the baby in the stroller, presumably his little sister. "Oh, my days, look how big you've grown." He says lovingly. "Who's this?" His mother asks. I hold out my hand to shake. "(Y/n)." "Michelle." She smiles kindly, and I return the gesture. "Is this your girlfriend, Eggsy." She jokes, turning to him. "I-I, Uh," he stutters before noticing something on her face. A bruise. His expression darkens. "Where is he?" He ask threateningly, but obviously not towards her. "I'm fine. Eggsy, please, please, just don't get involved." She tries to blow over it. "No, I should never have left you on your own. This stops right now. I'll be right back." Eggsy goes to leave. I grab his shoulder. "I'm coming with you." He shakes his head. "No your not. This is my fight." I scoff. "You can't stop me." He kisses the top of my head. "I'll be back." "And I'll be going. You need some back up." He take a look at his mum's bruise, then leaves, me chasing after him. "Eggsy." She shouts after us. I rush to the passenger side before Eggsy can drive off. "Nice try, luv." I say. He grumbles, but doesn't say anything else.


Eggsy pulls up outside of a pub where a group of men sit at an outside bench. Eggsy rolls down the window. "Oy! Dean!" Eggsy calls. "Oh, Muggsy. So you're back. What, you gone and nicked a fucking taxi now?" I look at this trash bag of a human. "Yeah. Can I have a word about my mum's black eye?" Eggsy says. "You want to have a word with me? You get out of that cab, I'll knock you straight back down on your fucking arse. You and your girl in there. Don't think I don't see her." He spits. I growl in defense. "Tell your muppets to go inside, then I'll get out." Eggsy says. "Go on, lads. There'll be two hits: me hitting him, him hitting the floor." His thugs leave. I'm about to exit the car, but Eggsy pushes me down. "Come on, then, you prick, let's see what you got, eh? Want a bit of me?" Suddenly the cab doors lock and the windows roll up by themselves.

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