Chapter Thirty Six: Girlfriend.

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I woke up just to be blinded by flashes of light the next second. My body felt numb, uncomfortable. The bed was hard, scratchy.

In just a few seconds, the memories came flooding back.

I was hit. By a fucking truck of all things.

How annoying is that?

"She's up!" exclaimed a voice that seemed far, far away.

"Y-yep," I replied, my voice weak. Nervous laughter responded.

"How're you feeling?" said a deep, hoarse voice that I could recognize even in my sleep.

"Norah?" I asked, confused.

Silence followed. The lights slowly dissipated and I could see clearly again.






Samantha smiled at me hesitantly and walked towards me.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I should be asking you the same thing."


"You want something to eat?" asked Wyatt, interrupting. I turned in the bed to face him.

"A burger. Thanks," I replied, turning my head to face Sam again.

"I got hit by a truck. What's your excuse?"

"My girlfriend got hit by a truck," she deadpanned.

I smiled slightly at that, amused, sitting up on the bed with much effort. I loved hearing her call me that. Girlfriend.

"How did things go with your sister-in-law?" I asked her. Her features suddenly went tense.


That's when Mom interrupted her.

"Are you not going to address your mother?" she said, her eyebrows furrowed in annoyance.

"Sorry. Hello, Mom! The truck was very friendly! How was work?"

Samantha smacked me across the head at that, annoyed.

"I noticed how friendly it was when the sheets were covered in blood and I was running to the bank," she said, her eyes sparkling with potential tears.

I couldn't think of anything to say that, my lips pursed in a thin line.

"What were you thinking?" she said, her voice soft, tense.

"I got distracted. . ."

--by the person to my left.

"Well, get distracted away from the road next time," Axelle remarked.

"I'll try," I replied. "How long have you guys been here?"

"Seven hours," replied Axelle.

"We need to talk later, by the way," Sam said, folding her arms at me.

"Did I do something wrong?" I asked.

"Later," she stated, her voice firm.

"Fine," I replied, locking eyes with her.

"I was worried, you know?" she whispered.

"I'm here, aren't I?" I replied, smiling reassuringly.

"Yes, you are," she said, smiling back, her eyes filling up.

"Are you not going to talk me?" said Norah, interrupting our little moment.

I locked eyes with her. She looked fragile, tired. And I couldn't give a fuck.

"No, not really. I thought I told you to stay the fuck away, that I don't want you in my life anymore. And yet, here you are. So I'm just gonna ignore you."

She took my words in and nodded. She looked wounded, troubled.

"I'm not leaving anyway," she said, her voice sad, defeated.

"Well, shame," I replied sarcastically.

"Thought you were gonna ignore me."

That's when the burger arrived, along with a sleep-deprived Wyatt.

"I'm about to do just that," I said, unpackaging the burger.

I bit into the burger. "Starting now," I mumbled, my mouth full.

"Harley-" Samantha started, but she was yet again interrupted by her phone ringing.

She glanced at the screen and rolled her eyes.

"I gotta take this," she groaned, walking out.



Hope you liked this chapter! Lemme know what you think :)



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