Chapter Twelve: Keep It That Way.

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I spent most of my day switching from doing homework to doing Brielle. She'd brought over her study supplies and we spent the whole Sunday like that. It's been a week since the dance and what all followed and I think it's safe to say that all of us have successfully moved on.

Samantha Winston and Alex Goldman are the hottest couple in school right now. Samantha and I actually smile at each other in the halls. Her group fucking hates me, but that's always been the case. Brielle and I became the most shocking couple, given that I've never been in an actual relationship since freshman year and I was willingly burying my 'playgirl' status six feet under. It doesn't help that she keeps posting pictures of us together online, mostly selfies.

Our relationship, however, didn't become big news because of the fact that Brielle goes to another school, which I later found out, is the same school that Norah Gail goes to.

This worried me and I asked Brielle about it. But she just scoffed at me and said she 'hates her fucking guts'.

"Well, keep it that way," I had said.

Wyatt just didn't like Brielle. I couldn't really blame him, but he was annoyingly expressive about his disapproval.

We were watching Game Of Thrones on my couch on Monday night, while stuffing our faces with popcorn and pizza.

"Why're you even with her, Harley?" he suddenly asked, pausing the show right in the middle of a good scene.

"Gosh, you're so annoying," I groaned out.

"I mean it. Why?"

"I dunno. She's. . . nice."

He snorted at that. "You think she's nice?"

"Yeah. . . I guess."

"She's just not your type."

"What the heck is that supposed to mean? What exactly is my type?"

"Not Brielle fucking Harris."

"Wow, very good explanation," I said dryly.

"I just wanna make sure you're okay. All of this happened the week after Norah showed up that night."

There was an awkward silence.

"Sorry," he mumbled.

I shook my head at that. "Why're you sorry?" I asked softly.

"I know you don't like it when her name comes up."

"You're right, I don't."

He waited for me to explain myself.

"Don't you think it's time for me to move on, Wy?"

"I-I do. It's just. . . I don't think Brielle is the right person to do that with."

"Who exactly is this right person?"

He smirked. "You know who it is, Harley."

"No, I don't."

"You would've said it's Brielle if it's Brielle," he pointed out smugly.

I gave out an exasperated sigh as he chuckled.

"Look, I know she's not the one or anything, but I don't know anybody else who I can positively be with."

He looked at me like I was stupid, which happens on a regular basis.

"Samantha Winston, perhaps?"

"Okay, no. No no no no no no no. We're not doing this again, Wy."

"Oh, come on! Why not?"

"Okay. A, she has a boyfriend. B, she's straight. C, I hate her friends."

He sat up straighter on the couch, determined to shoot down my arguments one by one.

"Okay, look. We all know their relationship is gonna end sooner or later. Alex is too fucking boring. And I think she's into you anyway. For goodness' sakes, she asked you out to the dance and shot down almost the entire soccer team for you."

"I. Hate. Her. Friends."

"Why the hell does that matter? You might have to smile at them a bit but that's it. I really hate Ella's friends, but that didn't stop me. Love is pain, Harley!"

I smirked. "I'm definitely telling Axelle that."

"Oh, fuck you, you wouldn't dare."

"I would."

He rolled his eyes at me. "That's not the freaking point."

"What is?"

"You're better off with Samantha. And she is better off with you."

"Fuck off, Pinocchio."


"Yeah. Your nose is getting too big and it's in all of our businesses."

"But I ain't lying."

"You're still nosy."

He groaned and unpaused the show.

"You're an idiot," he said.

"And you're a dumbass. What's new?"

We watched the whole thing in silence after that.



Alex was not at school today. Lunch was pretty boring until Jared started talking about a hangout over at his place.

"C'mon, it's gonna be fun. There's going to be booze, a DJ, games, etc etc."

"You're describing a party, J."

"I know. What's the difference?"

I rolled my eyes.

"Booze is fine. No DJs. No invitations."

"How do we let people know?"

"Text people. And only one or two. It's still not a party. Okay?"

After a few moments of hesitation, he gave in.


"Okay, great!" I said, smiling. They all got busy talking about the most random things, the hangout, school stuff, the dance, etc etc etc. I looked over at Harley who was sitting at the corner of the room, closer to the exit. She was with Wyatt and Axelle, as usual. I smiled slightly at myself as I got an idea.

"Hey, where're you going?" Helen asked me as I got up and began walking away.

"I'm gonna ask Harley to join us."

"Okay, you can't be fucking serious, Sam."

"Why not?" I turned around to face them, a look of confusion on my face.

"Because. Now leave it. We can't invite her," Jared said, locking eyes with me, his voice laced with a rare strictness. The coldness that they all projected at the sudden moment weakened my resolve and I sat back down defeatedly.

They went back to talking about whatever they were talking about without a care. I spent the rest of lunch and then the rest of the day thinking about how it would've been if Harley could be there with me.



Hope you liked it. There's more to come, I promise. I know it's growing kind of tedious as of now. PaTiEnCe . .

Love you,


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