Chapter Thirty Three: Something Warm And Sweet.

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I waited on the park bench for Wyatt and Axelle to show up for what felt like ages. I should be a goddamn skeleton by now.

We were planning on going around town for a bit, do a bit of shopping, eat hot dogs, and maybe even go for a movie if there's a good one.

I'd much rather be hanging out with Samantha but she's all the way in New York and even though it's only been a day, I miss her. So, so much. And I feel stupid and childish for it, but there's no other way to put it.

"Fuck," I whispered, looking around at the sad scenery. The park was pretty much empty and it was dark already.

I took out my phone and texted Wyatt.

Me: hey. You coming, or no?

The reply came in a minute or so.

Wyatt: no, sorry, have to cancel. I have a project to finish and ella's sick :(

I let out a tired groan.

Me: why didn't u tell me earlier, you idiot? I've been waiting for an hour.

Wyatt: sorryyyy :( i promise to make it up to u, k?

Me: whatever.

I rolled my eyes and got up, stretching to relieve myself of the stiffness that I'd acquired after sitting on that hard bench for a useless sixty minutes. I began walking out of the area, scrolling through my gallery, searching for a good photo of Samantha. I found one in an instant. It was us at the lake. She was staring out at the lake as we sat together on the grass, the wind blowing through her long, brown hair. She looked so peaceful and beautiful I couldn't help but take a picture without her noticing.

I stared at it as I made my way on to the dimly lit road, smiling like an idiot to myself, my heart filling up with something warm and sweet, her name taking over my thoughts.

I wonder if she's thinking of me right now.

That's when I heard a loud horn to my right, presumably a truck's. I turned to look at it. But it was too late. The huge headlights engulfed me in seconds.

Oh, fuck--



Hope you like this chapter :) Lemme know what you think!



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