Chapter Four: Why me?

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I couldn't stop thinking about last night.

What happened between that guy and I is a common occurence. It comes with being the it girl. But what happened between Harley and I was not common. Not at all.

I kept replaying in my mind the way she looked at me. With visible empathy. But also with. . . need? She definitely looked conflicted.

For the most part, I wasn't able to focus on myself because I was too focused on her features, which were too damn defined to be in existence. If it wasn't for her rep, she would replace me in a second.

I couldn't help but run my eyes repeatedly over her perfect lips, with the right amount of plumpness, the right shade of pink and the perfect cupid's bow. The rest of my focus had gone to her jawline, the sharpness of it. Her eyes, big and brown. Her high cheekbones. Her neck. Her shoulders. My eyes had roamed all over her. And I'd felt her doing the same but I don't think she was enjoying the view as much as I was.

Part of me was jealous of the fact that she was probably the prettiest girl in town. Part of me. . . liked it. Maybe it's because I've always enjoyed staring at good looking people, analysing their features and just taking in their existence in all its glory.

Yeah, that's definitely it.

I was in the town cafè, a History textbook open in front of me, notes and highlighters spread across the table, camouflaged with the plate of croissants and coffee. I was about to shake my thoughts away and get back to work when I saw the woman herself walk in. Her walk had that style to it that naturally made her sexy.

With. . . another woman. Who I, for some reason, didn't really want to see. Harley was dressed in her usual black attire while the girl clinging to her arm was wearing this red dress.

Something inside me burned at the sight of the girl. I pulled the book up so that it covered almost all of my face. I peered over it and watched them occupy a booth a few booths down from mine.

I know that's creepy but I couldn't care less at the moment.

Harley had this bored look on her face.


But she was also saying things that made the other girl laugh.


What is happening to you, Sam? Why do you care? She's on a date with some girl like she always is. Let it be.

You know what, I think I haven't thanked Harley enough about last night. I also feel like we need to talk about it more. Our encounter was too brief to match the situation.

You're an idiot.

I closed the book and walked over to their booth. Harley was too busy making the girl laugh to notice my presence. And that, I didn't appreciate very much.

I cleared my throat more aggressively than necessary. Harley looked up first followed by the girl who was too hypnotized by Harley to use her ears.

Harley saw me and, for a second, I saw her eyes widen. The moment passed before I knew it and then she was on her feet.

I folded my arms at her and waited. It took effort to not let my eyes roam her beautiful body.

"Oh, h-hey, Sam," she said, nervously running her hand through her hair.

"Hi," I replied curtly. I'm not gonna talk if that girl's still gonna be there.

"Are you okay now?"

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