Chapter 7

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Katherina POV

"I will kill him with my own hands".

I woke up when I hear Nathan's voice in my sleep, it was still dark. My eyes went up to clock to check the time and it was two in the morning. Nathan was talking over the phone which sounded more like shouting.

"Nobody touches what's mine! Keep him there until I come!".

I didn't move at all, I didn't want him to know that I'm awake. I can feel his chest rising up and down due to heavy breathing, his heart under my palm was beating faster. He sounded angry, very angry.

It wasn't hard to guess that he is talking about the man from the restaurant, the man who touched me and made me feel sick. Even the thought of it send a shiver through my whole body.

Nathan's chest warmed up due to rage, I try to move from him when his arm around my waist tighten keeping me at the place. I placed my hand on his chest moving up so I can look at him, "Nathan" I whisper lightly and his grip around my waist loses.

"I will talk to you later," he said and kept the phone down, "I'm sorry I woke you up, tesoro" (Sweetheart).

"Please don't do anything to him" I almost beg Nathan, firstly because he was angry and secondly because I know what he is capable of, "Let him go".

"Let him go? Let him go??" Nathan scowled at me, "He put his fucking hands on you and you're telling me to let him go" his eyes got darker and his voice rough, "Nobody can touch you Katherina...nobody." He hissed.

I can feel his body heating up with rage which scared me especially right now when I'm so close to him and can't get away, "I'll cut both of his hands and feed them to him!" he growled making me get away from him but he didn't let me.

I know that he is angry but he is talking about taking somebody's life and that's can never be right. What that man did was wrong, but he does not deserve to die because of that.

"No... please don't" I whisper softly, "I don't want anyone to get hurt because of me".

Nathan looks directly in my eyes for a moment before he placed my head back on his chest, "Don't worry about it, just rest okay" he murmured.


"Sleep" he tightened his arm around my waist pulling me closer to him, "Il Mio " (Mine).

He whispered the same word last night before I fell asleep. Is he possessive for me? Or this is some kind of ownership he thinks he has on me?

Nobody has ever made me feel like this especially a man. I have a father who treated me like a curse, he used to raise his hand on me which and I expect the same from Nathan because he is known for his anger. I witnessed his anger twice today but to my surprise, he didn't put his hands harshly on me even once.

In fact today he made me feel things that I have never felt before. The way he handled me today and the comfort I felt in his arms when he hugged me, the protection I feel with him is something that I will never forget.

Nathan Pierce is a terror, everybody fears him, nobody talks back to him but I shouted on him in front of his men still, he didn't harm me like I thought he would. Maybe that's because I have already made a picture of him in my mind similar to what I had been told about his cruelty and mercilessness.

He is a good looking and very attractive man but I can't forget how dangerous he is.

In the morning, I woke up with light caress in my hair. I open my eyes slowly and met with shining blue eyes already looking at me. He laid with his arm under his head, he was looking breathtaking, his jet black hair was messy like they were a day before.

"Good morning, tesoro" he whispered. (Sweetheart)

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