Chapter 33: Don't Flatter Yourself

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Chapter 33

Giving Callum the power to mind link was a mistake. The guy constantly sent random thoughts to me through our mind link as I tried to take a nap before everyone came back.

That nap didn't happen because it was like he thought the mind link was his own brain as he ran random thoughts through.

Seriously, I heard him ask himself if he should go make a sandwich. 

At that point, I shut my mind link off from him, which he got me to open back by doing some things with his tongue...

Needless to say, I talked him through basic mind link etiquette before he took a shower and headed to the kitchen while I took a bath. 

After a much-needed shower, I pulled on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt before standing outside of Cal's bedroom, on the patio that led to the lake. Our fairytale was about to come to an end when we left tomorrow.

I wasn't looking forward to leaving here behind but was also homesick and in a desperate need of chill night with my Beta, Gamma, their mates, Callum and Finn. 

With help from the hunters, hopefully, we could keep the pack a bit more secure as we dug into the situation with the rogues.

Something bothered me though. 

Abel's mate Holly said that I would never be able to protect them with what's going to happen. 

If that didn't scream ominous, I don't know what does. 

I did know that something big was about to happen. It wasn't going to be easy. The rogues were smarter now than ever before. They were out for blood. They were strong and from what I saw in their hideaway in the northern mountains, there were many of them. 

The sound of laughter and shuffling feet hit my ears before I picked up the scent of my pack, Otis, Mitch, Jane, and Aunt Avery. 

I walked to the living room to see all of them piling into the tiny house with bags of groceries. 

"Wow, we having a party Gramps?" Callum asked Mitch as he assessed what they got.

Smiling he shrugged, "It's our last night here, I thought we should celebrate our little victory before you all march off."

While Callum and his grandpa got into talks about grilling, Jane was right up in my face in a second with a wide grin.

"You two marked each other," She observed and a chorus of gasps from my pack and a cough from Finn resounded behind her. 

"Jane, stop," I whined. 

Kelly and Minna, on the other hand, didn't let it go.

"Oh my gosh! You two mated!" Minna clapped her hands together. 

"Does that mean babies soon?" Kelly asked with excitement. 

Putting my head in my hands, I almost yelled, "No."

"Why not?" She pouted.

"Because the ritual is off, so no kids anytime soon. Especially not when the rogues are pulling all sorts of strings on us," I said pointedly.

"Oh that's right," she replied before playfully shoving my shoulder. "Also, you should have told us before, Abel and I were betting that you were going to sell your death to the hunters or something."

Snorting, I rolled my eyes thinking they were joking, but when she pulled a twenty out of her pocket and passed it over to Minna and Ross, I was tempted to share a few slaps upside their heads. 

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