Chapter 27: Lover Boy

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Chapter 27

"Your house is near a lake?" Abel asked excitedly as we approached the small cabin that was illuminating light.

"You should be here in the summer, the weathers' perfect to stay in there all day." Callum smiled.

"Well it's almost the end of spring, we're close enough." Minna squealed with excitement, "I should have brought a bathing suit." 

"Guys," I sighed, "We're not here to have fun, we have a long day tomorrow and who knows what will happen after. The rogues come first and then we have to get back home." 

Their expressions fell as reality snapped back but this wasn't a vacation. Things went from bad to an absolute shit storm in the matter of having a conversation with Otis. 

But seeing as they worked hard, I relented, "If...and that's a big if, we get time, you guys are free to do what you want." 

They nodded as the smiles crept back on their faces. 

As Mitch opened up his front door and my pack emptied inside, Cal wrapped his arms around my waist while standing behind me and walked us in.

"Welcome to my home, Princess." 

I placed my hands on his arms, "For two guys, it's really cozy in here. I'm impressed."

"You saying you think I don't have style babe?" Callum quirked a brow as he spun me around.

"Maybe..." A total lie, the man had a great sense of style.

"Get a room." Kelly poked at us in good humor.

"Lucky for me, I have one." Cal laughed as he walked to a hallway on the other side of the living room which was an open space right as we entered the front door.

To the right was a small kitchen and I guess through the hallway was the bedrooms and bathrooms. 

And I think we all really needed a good bath after running for twenty-four hours. 

"There should be some cold pizza in the fridge and bread on the counter, so help yourselves to anything you want. I'll go shopping tomorrow." Mitch offered graciously. 

"You've been eating pizza and bread?" Callum asked him with disappointment as he walked out of the hallway with pillows and blankets. 

"Don't start on me now Callum, it's been a long day and I'm going to bed." He waved his grandson off as he walked to the hallway, "Take care of our guests and..." he hesitated before patting Cal's back, "I'll see you in the morning kid. Didn't think I'd ever been able to say that again." 

The emotions that swirled on Cal's face showed how much that affected him.

"Night gramps." He called back before turning to us. "There's a spare bedroom on the first door to the right and the bathroom is right across the hall. The couch, recliner, and floor are the only other available options." He explained as he set the large pile on the couch. 

They nodded before turning to me and asking what went down. I gave them a brief on what Otis and I discussed without mentioning what card I laid on the table and Otis' interest in Jane. They didn't seem assured by our presence here but it was the best we could do and hope they don't try to kill us in our sleep.

Well, at least I know if Otis tried Jane would kill him herself.

"I dibs on the couch," Ross called after I finished speaking as he immediately made himself comfortable on the couch. 

Abel sighed as he looked around, "I guess the girls could have the room and-"

"And I'll take the recliner." George cut him off as he patted him on the shoulder and sat down. 

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