Chapter 1: Silver Berry

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Chapter 1

"Ev, there's an attack on the north border!" My beta, Penelope said as she burst into my office.

"Shit," I swore in frustration as I immediately dropped all the files in my hand before following Pen out of my office in the packhouse and sprinting out of the front door.

Not wasting a second behind my clothing, I shifted mid-run and heard the cracking of my bones as I transformed into my wolf and ripped my clothing into pieces that fell around me.

Penelope followed my lead as she shifted into her auburn colored wolf.

My pure white fur was brushed back by the wind as I ran through the woods.

I released a howl to inform the others that I was on my way as I zoomed past trees and leaped over fallen branches.

The leaves of the forest floor crunched beneath my paws and birds were startled as they flew out of the trees above my head.

As I bounded towards the north of our pack territory, I caught the distinct scent of rogues.

However, before I could even make it to where I heard my border patrol fighting, I heard the loud pounding of paws on my right.

'Go help the others.' I commanded Pen via mind link.

'But Alph-'

'Go!' I rushed her away since the pack needed more help than me.

As she reluctantly sprinted away, I made a swift turn to see a gray wolf covered in mud leaping for me. I quickly ducked and propelled my body forward so that he landed behind instead of on me.

I wasted no time in turning back to face him as he snarled at me and we began circling each other.

He slowly passed his slimy tongue over his canines before he leaped in for another attack. He moved faster this time and went for my front left leg.

As he pierced the skin and tugged on my leg, I went down.

My face hit the dirt floor as blood seeped out of my wound.

I kept my head down, allowing him to believe that I was in more pain than I felt.

These misogynistic rogues usually underestimated me because I was a rare female Alpha.

Joke's on them.

He released my leg and moved his canines towards my neck but at that moment, I used my wolf head and knocked it into his jaw which sent him staggering back.

Using his current disoriented position to my advantage, I raised to my full height. As I applied pressure to my foot, it stung but I quickly pounced on the unsuspecting rogue.

I didn't hesitate to bury my canines into the jugular vein on his neck.

He tried to put up a fight as he struggled and whimpered against my body but as he bleeds out, his body became limp.

Once I was sure his heartbeat stopped, I shoved his body away from my own before I ran towards the field where border patrol was fighting off more rogues.

My eyes quickly took a count of how many rogues remained.

Five rogues remained fighting three pack members who weren't injured. I snuck up behind one as my teeth grabbed onto her tail. I pulled the fur and yanked her body down before I moved atop her and asserted my dominance.

I held her body down and allowed her a chance to yield but unsurprisingly she fought beneath me.

She growled at me and I knew it was her way of saying that she rather death over being chained up and interrogated.

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