Chapter 31: Fido and His Brothers

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Chapter 31

"You're bleeding?" Callum asked me in a panic as he grabbed ahold of my hand. 

I looked down at my arm and then shook my head, "It isn't my blood." 

I felt him relax against me as he dropped a kiss on my head and I heard some loud noises behind him.

Peering over his shoulder, I saw Finn and the hunters who just fought at our sides pulling a huge garbage bin to the entrance of the alleyway to block it.

"Did the humans hear anything?" Cal directed to Louis.

"No, luckily the seniors just came in and cranked on the jukebox. You know those old bats turn on that thing on full blast since they can't hear properly." He informed. 

Cal nodded as if that was common knowledge and Otis began searching around the back of the building. 

"We need to get those bodies out of here and clean up this mess," He instructed as he grabbed a hose and attached it to a ground tap. 

"We could take them into the forest and then come back around and move them in wolf form," Finn said as he walked over to the bodies. 

"And you guys should try to pick up those bullets," I nodded to the few shells I could see scattered around.  

Everyone set to work as Finn and I quickly hauled the bodies into the woods behind the diner and Otis got to spraying away the blood the gravel lot. 

Seeing that we couldn't exactly haul the bodies through town, at least not without the local law enforcement detaining us and charging us with murder, we'd just have to come back in wolf form through the forest. 

What had me worried was Abel's possibility of betrayal to the pack. 

His mind link was unreachable and before the fight even ended I lost touch of his wolf. 

I trusted him, but his loyalties now laid with his mate. His rogue mate. Even though he was one of my most loyal soldiers, I didn't expect him to leave the pack. We could have easily taken her brothers and then she could have joined us. 

It was simple. In theory.

But then she would have resented him for what he did. Her brothers, however, didn't seem like they had more than two brain cells. They also appeared particularly misogynistic towards their sister. 

At least they were dead now, but the cost of that was one of best fighters in an already dwindling pack. Not to mention Abel knew my plans, including the one of having the hunters help us.

"You think he'll betray us?" Finnick asked me as we laid the last body down and walked back to the lot.

"I sure as shit hope not," I groaned. "On one hand I want to say no but on the other hand who knows what he'll walk into when he goes to the rogues or what he'd do if his mate asks."

"If Callum asked you to betray the pack, would you? Would you leave?" He raised a brow in question.

"Of course not, but I'm the Alpha. I'd just tie him to a tree." 

"The point is Ev, you won't give up that easily. Maybe Abel won't either."

"Why'd you always have to be wise Finn?" 

He grinned, "Cause I'm the designated nerd of the pack...and of course your friend."

I didn't miss the exclusion of the word 'best' before friend but I think that's the last of our issues right now.

"So, what are we going to do now?" He asked.

"Hope that the Moon Goddes send us a miracle and then live happily ever after?"

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