Chapter 3 - Burning Heart, Mistake #1, Strike 1

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Chapter 3 - Burning Heart, Mistake #1, Strike 1

Saxon's P.O.V.

     The next day I went walking in the woods in my wolf form, hoping for Protector number four to show up, hell, I'll even take any Protector! I wish at this moment, some rogue or hunter would pop out of no where and attack me so a Protector will come to my rescue. I walked and walked, until I came across a clearing. My eyes instantly zoned in on the girl laying on the grass, smiling up at the sky as the sun shined down on her face. It was her. My mystery mate. What was she doing here? Is she lost? Well, she doesn't look lost, since she's obviously enjoying her time, laying in the middle of the woods. Was she hurt? I let out a tiny growl of the thought of her hurt. I guess she heard my growl because her head snapped up to my direction.

     Her eyes widened at the sight of me. She got up on her feet, I thought she was going to run away from me, but she made a small step towards me. I sat down on my behind legs and cocked my head to the side, looking at her. Isn't she afraid of me? I mean, I don't want her to be scared of me, but since I'm a large wolf, she should be scared. Plus, she's human.

~~Cassidy's P.O.V.~~

     Today was my free day. I was currently laying down on the grass, enjoying the sounds of nature and the sun shinning down on my face. I felt him before I even saw him. My mate was around. I sighed. Since he thinks I'm human, I'll just have to play it off. As I heard a growl, I snapped my head up at the large wolf a few feet away. I pretended to jump up to my feet and act like I was going to run, but I made a small step towards my mate. He was absolutely magnificent. I continued to walk slowly towards him, to show that I'm kinda scared but interested. I sat down in front of him, looking at him.

     "Your one beautiful wolf," I said. I smiled when he made a purring noise. I slowly raised my hand and stroked his fur. He was soft. His fur color was all black, his snout went from black, to gray, to white. Same thing for his paws and ears.

     "My favorite animal is a wolf. You guys are magnificent," I said. His head snapped up to look at me, since I wasn't aware of the sudden movement, it scared me. His eyes softened as he realized he scared me.

     "I think I'm going crazy," I mumbled. Of course he heard me, his eyes held a questioning look. I giggled a little when he whined because I didn't answer.

     "I think I'm crazy because I'm talking to a wolf right now," I said. His eyes flickered with understanding. Miles of miles away, I heard May whispering, telling me I have to go so we can scout the area.

     I looked Saxon right in the eyes. "I have to go," I said as I took off running, I looked over my shoulder and saw Saxon getting up and walking in the opposite way, the way from where he came from.

     The next day, I stood outside the school, in the same spot as yesterday. I watched as Keith and Lucas make their way towards Saxon and his groupies. I tuned in my senses. What are they trying to do? Make me come out from the shadows over and over again? I looked over at May with a questioning look, she just shrugged.

     "Hey Saxon," mumbled Keith, looking shy. I was shocked. Since when has Keith looked shy around strangers?

     "What?" rudely asked Saxon. Keith sighed and shot Lucas a 'drop-dead' look as Lucas just smirked. This was his idea.

     "Look, about yesterday, I was way out of line to say that to you. I was hoping you could forgive me," mumbled Keith, not really looking sorry. May and I burst out laughing as Lucas tried not to snicker. Saxon looked shocked.

     "Err...yeah. I guess. It's cool man," said Saxon. Keith smiled and pulled Lucas away from them.

~~Saxon's P.O.V.~~

     It was the end of the school day. I was just sitting on top of my car rooftop with my friends around me. A noticed a hand on my chest and looked at the girl in-front of me. The girl was gorgeous, not as gorgeous as my mate, but still good enough.

     "Hey there, Saxon," she purred. Who was this girl again? I didn't have time to think about it or even know what overcame me next as I crashed my lips on hers. She moaned as I pulled us closer together. I felt someone staring holes in my head, probably my friends, wanting what I get. When I pulled away from her, I still felt someone staring holes in my head, but my guys weren't staring at me, they were busy doing what they usually do. I scanned the school entrance and locked eyes with a familiar soul-piercing blue pair of eyes that were filled with sadness. It was my mystery mate. She was looking at me with sadness in her eyes and a slight frown. I felt my heart break at that moment, why was I feeling this? Oh yeah, it's because I just hurt my mate without even knowing her. What was she doing here? I noticed the stance she was in, she looked like she was ready to come over here, but stopped dead in her tracks as soon as she saw what just happened. She shook her head, trying to get out of the trance, turned around and walked away. Each step she took, hurt.

     I watched as she joined her friends and walked away. I noticed in that group was Keith, Lucas, and another girl who doesn't go to this school. I also didn't miss the death look on Keith and Lucas's face as they stared at me. When I got home, I shifted and ran into the forest, going to the same spot where I met her yesterday, hoping she would be there. As soon I reached the clearing, I saw nobody there. I laid there on the grass, hoping she would show up, but she didn't. By the time I left, it was 9 o' clock at night. When I went to sleep, the same questions ran through my mind over and over.

     What did I just do?


     Could she feel the connection too?


     Is that why she showed up to my school, trying to figure what it is?

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