Chapter 18

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Happy new year!

Sorry for the late update

Avery's pov

These two months has been one of the most tiring and boring months. I mean I've been the only one at home. Damon rarely comes back home, not that I need his presence or anything but the house is just too lonely for one person to live in.

Ever since our last date two months ago, Damon hasn't been at home regularly. I mean he doesn't even come home at all sometimes which was making me feel somehow worried. I know I don't really like his presence but I hope he's okay wherever he is. The worst part of the story is that he told his security men to not let me out of the house except when he's at home or with his permission and also if I must leave the house I must leave with not less than 5 security men with me and I hate it.

I hate this complicated lifestyle.

Like history was repeating it self again, that was how it was before I ran away from Damon. He stayed out late, sometimes he never comes back home at all if he eventually did, it's with a girl.

Oh and this few moments alone with myself has made me regain a little of my long lost confidence. I don't care if he hates me, but that's the plan anyway.

I realized that I was never this timid, I realised that I was the same bold girl who always stood up for herself and others back then in high school. I realised I've not kept my promise to myself to not allow anyone bring me down.

So here and now, I promised myself to let this new found confidence grow. I'm gonna show him I'm no longer the weak girl he used to know.

With this new found confidence, I came down to prepare breakfast for myself as I called all the maids and fave them a few days off. While some insisted and came only in the morning to clean the house.

Soon enough, I finished eating so I had my bath and thought of what to do. The garden! Its been so long since I went out to the garden. I immediately rushed down to get the appliances I normally use when I feel like working in the garden.


God I'm so tired... I've been working for over an hour now and my body is already sticky with the sweat all over me. I was so thirsty I raised my water bottle drink a lot from it when I found out that the whole water was finished.
I groaned in laziness. I'm now almost regretting giving those maids an off.

I turned to go back to the house to get water and rest a little when I saw a hand stretch a chilled bottled water in my direction.

First, I looked at the tempting water, then the large fingers and palms of the person, then the muscled arms, the chest, the neck and then the face of the person.

Oh God!

I immediately took one step back ro keep some distance between us and if I'm sure I was not hallucinating, I saw the look of hurt flash through his eyes and his smile dimmed a little.

"Hi" he said softly and I nodded not being able to find my voice.

"Here I brought you water, I know you needed it so... " he trailed scratching the back of his hair.

I cleared my throat "um T-thank you. You didn't have to " I muttered

"Oh its no bother I just wanted to do it since I saw you working on the garden and figured you gave all my workers some time off" he answered with something like amusement dancing in his eyes.

I froze.

I didn't call them back cause he was so busy and I didn't know when he was coming back. I even sent then off today.
"Oh s-sorry I uh didn't mean to, I'm sorry I'll call them back " I said taking a step forward to the house.
"Oh no I- I didn't say it for you to call them back. I'm just happy to see you getting comfortable in your home" he said softly. I look at where I felt tingles only to find his large hands holding mine. I looked at him to find him furrowing his brows at me
"Your home you mean" I murmured. "please leave my hand" I added looking at his chest. That's better than looking at the ground or looking at his face right?

I kept looking behind him to see if a bimbo would come out of the house to meet us as usual like before but... No bimbo yet. "Looking for someone " he asked

"Oh no I -I just thought you came back with one of your girlfriends so I could leave to go prepare food for the both of you" I said. My eyes widened in shock Immediately I realised the words that left my mouth.
"I-I I'm sorry I didn't mean that believe me " I said quickly to justify myself.

"Its okay" he answered giving me a sad smile. " my actions made you think that way" he added and started walking to the house.

My mouth can't keep shut for once!

'But ... He deserved it anyway.Right?

We got to the house and he opened the door for me which kinda suprised me a little.

" um have you had something to eat" I asked him hoping he would say no so I can prepare a meal for the both of us as an apology meal if my comment earlier made him angry.
"No. Not yet, I just got home when I saw you in the garden so I just had my bath so I could join you in the garden"

He's explaining himself to me? Well that's shocking and new.

"Come on I'll prepare a meal for the both of us". I said going into the kitchen. "You will " he asked smiling Surprisingly.
"Yes I will. J-just take it as an apology for what I said earlier " I said.
"Oh its fine", he said giving me that famous droll dropping smile.

Sorry for not updating soom enough. Really really sorry please bear with me. :(

I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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