chapter 48

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I love you... But GOD loves you more!

Third person's pov

Avery looked around the parking lot and took a deep breath. She couldn't deny how her hand shook with nervousness and how her heart beat frantically in her chest.

She's about to meet her parents.

She was a mess few days back after dinner. She was still thinking of her parents plea to reach out to them whenever she was ready.
She could remember Damon nervously trying to ask her what she decided. He made her see reasons to reconnect with her parents. One of his reasons that touched her heart was when he said "even if the one you gave your fragile heart to shatters it, family won't, and if they already have they would go the extra mile to fix whatever was damaged".

She told another deep breath them when she was asked the venue of wherever she wanted to meet them.

"Welcome Ma'am. Any reservations" was the first thing she heard as the doorman opened the high door for her.

"Uh yes, under Ne...

" Sorry for the interruption ma'am come with me" a woman said as she smiled apologetically at me for interrupting.

"Me" Avery asked pointing to herself before looking behind her to see if she was referring to someone else.

"Yes ma'am. I was directed by Mr Newman to lead you to the rooftop" she said again.

"Oh okay" she mumbled

The restaurant was surely so big that they had to pass through so many openings before they finally got to the elevator to the rooftop.

Avery couldn't deny her body was trembling each passing second of what she was going to face any moment.
The elevator door finally opened and the waitress led her to an airy open space where she met two figures sitting.

The air was tense around the two couples sitting in one of the most expensive restaurants they owned. The man and woman each thinking of what to say and how to behave towards their beloved daughter they unknowingly pushed away because of anger and greed.

The minute the elevator door opened Avery met two pairs of very familiar eyes staring right at her.

I swallowed the huge lump of air that was already in my mouth to numb the nervous flutter of my body.

I knew what was coming and I was ready to receive it. The waitress stopped leading me when the elevator door opened for us at the rooftop.

I headed slowly to the corner where my parents were sitting waiting for my mind to change but suprisingly my spirit, soul and body was hell-bent on getting the love I didn't get for years.

I finally got to where they were sitting and suprisingly they stood to welcome me making things a hundred times awkward for me as I don't even know how to address them in return.

"Uh h-hello" I greeted nervously

"You- you came" my mother said lowly as her eyes slowly started filling up with moisture.
"You really came to meet us" she said as if reassuring herself that I was really here.

Then she did the unexpected. The unexpected I always expected from them way back when I was younger.

She pulled me into her arms and hugged me tightly her tears soaking my dress. I stood there awkwardly with my arms frozen at my sides.

I looked up to my father's face only to get shocked because he had tears in his face also, which he tried to clean subtly as I looked at him. This alone almost made me tear up.

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