Chapter 7

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Because Its weekend and haven't updated in a while, here's the part😁

Please vote and comment and tell me if you like my story.


Damon's pov

She's awake...... O my God I'm so happy. She's really awake. I'm sure my cheeks are going to hurt after because of how wide my smile is. Finally I thought and sighed
A groan made me come out of my reverie.

"W....wa... water" she croaked

"Oh how stupid of me" I cursed at my stupidity and ran downstairs myself to get the water because I can't call on any maid from here, I'd be too loud and it might make my baby's ear hurt. Also other reasons are there like, 
One I don't trust anyone else with her and two I want to take care  of her all by myself.

Like she'd let you my subconscious mocked again. I hate my mind.

I quickly took a glass and filled it with water. And as I turned to run into the room...
"Damon " my fathers voice boomed.
I froze because he hasn't entered my house in ages because of what I did to Av.. My baby. 
I gulped "D.. Da.. "
"Hold it there young man did you loose your fingers?! " he bellowed angrily.
I shook my head "N--"
"Then why aren't you answering your damn phone?!  " he said cutting me off again.
"Your mother has been crying her eyes out thinking something has happened to you because you never missed her call. Now y--"
"Oh my baby, where did you go" my mother ran to me giving me a tight hug with tears on her face.

I immediately felt sorry and my eyes softened at the sight of her in my fathers arms cleaning her tears. "I'm sorry mom I just got carried away because I was taking care of Avery. She ha--" I immediately shut up once I realized what came out of my mouth.
"Av.. Avery? " my father asked coming towards me
"What do you mean, are you going nuts? "my mother asked
I was just looking at them still shocked that I let that piece of information slip.
"Answer me boy!" the voice of my father boomed

Holy sh*t. I totally forgot about the water. I immediately ran to my room to apologize for the delay and give her the water forgetting my mother and father only to find the bed empty. Blood drained from my face, did she run away again... no f***ing way she can't leave me again.
"Avery! " I yelled "Bab... " I stopped when I head soft whimpers and sniffles from the far end of the room which was covered with the dressing table.
I went to the direction and found her curled in a small ball. Her knees to her chest and her small arms wrapped around them.

My heart broke at the sight I swear.

"Ba.... "
"No". Her small voice interrupted
I went closer "What's wr"
"No!  don't c.. come c.. close" she said her shaky hands stretched in front of her as if to push me back.

"Baby You n... " I was cut off again but this time I froze because of the words that came out of her mouth.
"N.. no g.. go away m.. monster" she whispered with her tears filled face.

My eyes turned pitch black which always happen whenever I feel and express strong emotions. Especially anger. So when I heard what she called me, my iris's went black. She thought of me as a monster.

I moved forward to go down om my knees when she shrinked back as if to enter the wall.
As I stretched my hand..
"N.. no p.. please don't h.. hit me, I..I  I..didn't mean call you a m.. monster " she said sobbing hysterically.

Oh God. See what I've caused.

"I won't hit you I promise just stand up you need to be in bed resting" I said in the most softest voice I didn't think I had. I tried hard to blink back the tears that were about to fall from my eyes.

As she made no attempt to get up, I held her small arm when she screamed.
"Leave me! let go please, let me go I promise I..I won't ever upset you just please d..don't hit me please! " she said still sobbing

Fucking hell!

"Just shut up and let me help you!" I yelled in frustration
And immediately she kept quiet but was still struggling to let her arm free from my tight grip.
"Don't! " I said gritting my teeth in anger.
"O.. okay please don't hit me pl... "
"Shut up I won't hit you. I just want to help you!" I yelled in anger.
She kept quiet again but her innocent doe eyes still gave out  tears and her lips quivering.

I sighed and let go off her arm and she immediately ran to the corner where she was before to stand with her head down. 

I failed.
My heart is breaking all over again. So she fears me to this extend.
I sighed and walked towards her. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to shout on you " I apologized but she did look up not to talk of reply.
I raised my arm to touch her cheek and on reflex she flinched and used her palms to cover her  face muttering "please don't "

I couldn't hold back the tears as they fell from my eyes.
I'm going crazy.
I stretched my hand again and whispered softly "I promise I... "
Before I knew it she quickly ran past me looking around her and as if she found what she was looking for she dashed towards the window. My eyes widened and I froze in shock at what she was about to do.
"Avery no!  Please don't! " I yelled in a shaky voice.
She was about to jump down  from the window. Just to get away from me.

I was still looking at her when she successfully claimed the window and looked down ready to jump.
If she jumped, she's going to DIE!

My body went limp when she moved forward to fall.
She jumped...

I put my head in my hands in regret and pity.
A loud thump jolted me up.

I looked up to find Avery and my father on the floor. She was wrapped in my fathers embrace.
Oh God!!  He saved her, my father saved her.

I immediately stood up and ran towards them.
"Thank you so much dad, thank you" I said kneeling down.
As I stretched my arms to collect Avery he looked up and tears were in his eyes. "Don't " he growled.

He looked down and froze. "Avery.... Avery wake up! call the  damn doctor " he yelled and my mom quickly pulled out her phone to call whoever.

My dad immediately struggled to stand with Avery in his arms. He tried and tried but he couldn't. I snatched her limp body from him and carried her to the bed and placed her gently on it like she was fragile.

Of course she is. My delicate flower.

I pecked her and stood up using the duvet to cover her small form.

Immediately the door bursted open and Msson my best friend who refused to talk to me all this while ran inside with his coat and briefcase looking deshelved.

All because of one person



Oh my God (sniffles)
Such an emotional chapter. 😥
Hoped you enjoyed this chapter.

Q. O. T. D..... Now that Avery can't stand 1cm near Damon, what's he gonna do to make her trust him?

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See you in the next update....


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