chapter 49

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"Uh I'm okay" I answered shyly thanking God that he couldn't see my face.

I moved out of Damon's house the day after I met my parents. I was so happy Damon asked me out on a date and I didn't want him to get tired of seeing my face which was another reason I left his house, Cause he clearly has alot of work to do to finally win me over. Here I can definitely give him a little hard time.

"I just- I just wanted to check if you're feeling okay, I'm sorry I can't help it" he said slowly from the other side. It seemed as if he was ashamed of his actions of his constant calling every 3 hours. Funny enough, I didn't find it annoying at all, I found it cute. Atleast someone cares for me.

"No worries, I'm almost done for the day anyway. I'm so tired" I said as I played with rose he sent earlier this morning.

"I told you working isn't meant for you. You keep stressing yourself, you could fall sick you know. I don't even know if you eat proper meals" he said and I could hear the anger and frustration in his voice.

"I'm sorry that was uncalled for" he immediately apologized as I didn't say anything after his angry rants
"Bab... Avery I'm sorry I didn't mean to I swear" he apologized.

"It's fine. I need to go I..."

"you don't need to go, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say those things, you can work however and whenever you want just please don't over work yourself. Please don't stop talking to me" Damon cut me short as he pleaded from the other side.

He always thinks of the worst.

"It's my closing time" I said as I looked at the clock above the door. It's past 5 already.

"I know just pack your things and come down"
It seemed to me he was driving.

"Uh okay" I ended the call confused.

The minute I stepped out of the building I met with the familiar Limo waiting at the curb with the familiar owner leaned up against it. I didn't know if it was the owner or the big ass car that was drawing attention of everyone around it.
I slowly walked towards Damon my cheeks turning pink at the multiple eyes on me but just one pair of eyes was enough to get me squirming.
I shake my head trying to eat my thoughts ask neared Damon who was intently staring at me. He left his limo and stalked towards me. I could hear murmurs and squeals from the women around and behind me.

"Hey beautiful" Damon's husky voice greeted. His eyes are completely in darker shades as he looked me over in my formal outfit.

"Hi. What are you doing here" I asked looking at my reflection on the tinted glasses as I couldn't bare his intense stare. And I most importantly made sure to keep enough distance between us I could let myself get flustered in public.

"I'm sorry. I just–I wanted to drop you off before I went back to the house" he said as he walked closer to keep zero to no distance between us.

"But I have my car" I murmured

"I know which is why Howard Is here to take your car safely back to your apartment."

"But I want to drive in my own car" I persisted.

"That's fine I'd ride with you Howard would just come behind us" Damon said so casually as if it wasn't weird for someone to leave his limousine to ride in a small car that's not half the price of his long ass car.

"C– come-on then" I said as I immediately started walking towards my car. I could see Damon stop to talk to Howard from my peripheral vision before he began walking towards me.

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