Chapter 1: The Boy in the Iceberg/The Avatar Returns

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          "Who are you and what are you doing on my ship" A stranger's voice sounded in my ears.

          I opened my eyes to see a boy around my age, with a scar on his left eye and his dark hair in a ponytail, being the only hair he had on his head, "What where am I?"

          He looked slightly taken aback, "You are on my ship, how did you get here?" He threatened again. I turned my vision to my surroundings and saw that I was indeed on a ship and not in my bed.

          "This is a dream, I was just in my bed." An older man, who was very plump wear grey and red robes walked over to us.

          "Prince Zuko it appears that this girl is just as confused as you are, maybe you should treat her with more respect." The boy, who was now dubbed Prince Zuko scuffed.

          "I wouldn't treat any stowaway with respect."

           I stood up from where I was on the floor, wobbling slightly, "Now hold on, I've caught that you're a Prince and all, but I don't like being disrespected as much as the next guy. I am not a stowaway first of all. I don't know how I got on this ship, I swear I was just in my room about to fall asleep and now all of a sudden I'm on a ship. I don't want to be here as much as you don't want me here."

           "How do I know you're not a spy? Or sent here to assassinate me?"

          "You can search me I don't have any weapons buddy."

          The prince ground his teeth, "Don't call me buddy. And how do I know you're not a bender?"

          "A bender? What are you talking about?" I was so confused the only kind of bender I know about is a robot from a cartoon I watched.

          "You know someone that can control the four elements. How do you not know what a bender is?"

          "You can't control the elements. That's not possible, are you from a different planet or something?"

          He opened his palm and a small flame ignited, "Does this look impossible to you girl?" I was taken aback, maybe even more so than waking up on a ship, he frowned when he saw my surprise.

          "Where am I?"

          "The waters near the Southern Water Tribe, where are you from?" Zuko asked

          "I've never heard of the Southern Water Tribe, I'm from the United States of America. I think I'm from an entirely different world than you."

          "I think she might be right Zuko, I've heard stories long ago of multiple worlds. She showed up here as soon as we saw that light, it must be connected." The old man said, "What is your name young one?"

          "I'm Ayaka, sir."

          "It's nice to meet you Ayaka, I am General Iroh, and this here is my nephew Prince Zuko, we are from the Fire Nation. We can talk more later about this world. I apologize for how my nephew treated you earlier, that was unkind and disrespectful."

          "It's okay General Iroh, sir, I understand why he must've responded the way he did. He had to keep his crew safe and there's a stranger on his ship. I would be weary too." I tried to remain understanding, there wasn't much else I could do, I was stuck on a ship with him in one of the poles of the earth, I didn't want to anger him.

          "You seem very thoughtful Ayaka, you can just call me Iroh by the way. I'll show you someplace you can sleep until you decide to leave."

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